🌿Chapter 32🌿

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TW: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SELF HARM, please feel free to skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with this topic as this chapter contain detailed descriptions.

A week or so passed since Sunny moved away, you sent your first letter to him the other day and you were currently waiting for a response.

You sat in the living room watching tv, mindlessly paying attention to the show that played. Basil's an hour late for your supposed baking session. He promised that you two would bake cookies together today, you bought all the ingredients and everything.

A sigh left your lips as you stood up "Heading out!" You yelled to Kathryn before leaving the house. Maybe he got sick and couldn't make it? You looked around the town for him and eventually made it to the park. Familiar laughs heard from the all too familiar  lake.

You pushed past the trees and peaked into the empty field. There they were, having a picnic like they would when Mari was alive. You smiled and looked at Basil, he laughed at a joke Kel made as he held a half eaten cookie in his hands.

Your smile quickly faded .. they didn't invite you..?

Basil skipped out on your plan to hang out here? And didn't invite you?

Hero's eyes soon landed on you, a surprised look on his face "Oh (Y/n)? " he motioned for you to come closer. You shook your head and held your hands nervously "Aha... are.. are you guys having a picnic?... Basil? " you asked.

Basil looked at you and stood up in surprise, soon a look of joy flooding onto his face "(Y/n)! Hi! Wanna join us?" he asked walking over to you. You stepped away and shook your head, Basil stopped in his tracks and gave you a confused look" (Y/n)? "

You laughed awkwardly, turning your head to look away " No.. its fine! I need to do something anyways.. uh... have fun!! " You stammered and ran back home. Tears fighting to fall from your eyes as you ran back home. They forgot about you, again, even Basil...

He never forgets anything you two plan.. why now? Why him?

You rushed inside your house and panted, using the ends of your sweater to dry your tears. They really did forget you..

You bit your lip and held back whimpers as you walked towards the kitchen and put everything back in it original place. Guess plans today's were canceled...

You made your way up to your room and closed the door, locked and sealed shut from anyone who tried to enter. You sat on your bed and curled your knees to your face, letting your jeans absorb the tears that leaked from your eyes.

Maybe you over reacted a little... i mean... Basil's still human, he can forget things like any normal person. Something about it just really struck your nerve.

"Its fine... just sleep it off..." you muttered to yourself, standing up and taking a seat on your bed. You wiped away any stray tears and laid down on the soft mattress beneath you. Letting the cotton take you away from your thoughts and giving you just enough peace to let out a sigh.


Your eyes shot open...

You looked around the room...

Has your bathroom door always been open?

You sat up, keeping your eyes on the bathroom door. The aura of the bathroom making you stand up and walk towards it. The lights were off and a weird stench filled the small room, it smelled metallic.

You switched on the lights and looked into your bathroom... nothing... One more step in before the bathroom door locked behind you.

Panic quickly set in as you tried to free yourself from the room, punching and kicking the door just to try and get out. Yet, nothing worked. You were stuck in the bathroom, the soft droplets of water coming from the sink being the only thing heard. You turned around and jumped when you saw the reflection on the mirror. It was him, the same broken neck barely hanging on as his hair draped over his shoulder. The same sickening creak erupting from what used to be his neck.

Shakey breaths left your mouth as you looked at him through the mirror, the same bloodshot and puffy eyes staring into yours "Wh.. what do you want?" you asked, voice low and weak from the shock of seeing him again.

He didn't speak, but you knew what he would say "You're friends dont like you anymore, even your boyfriend got tried of you. Its all your fault, you're boring,ugly, annoying... why wouldn't they get rid of you?"

He stood behind you and grabbed your arm, you tried fighting back but his grip on your arm was too strong. You watched in fear as he turned your arm and reached inside your medical cabinet. He reached into a corner and pulled out a rusted razor. You watched as he brought it to your wrist and placed it onto your skin. The words didn't leave your mouth as you watched him drag the razor across your wrists. You winced as blood began pooling from the cut and dripping into the sink bellow it.

The razor only went deeper and deeper cutting 5 wounds into your wrist, tears fell from your eyes as you looked down at the blood. You looked back up into the mirror and he was gone, the razor that was in his hand was now in yours. You dropped it into the sink and watched as blood dripped and splattered onto the razor.

"Oh my god... what have i done.." you cried, putting your hands to your head and staring down into the sink. You began to feel light headed, maybe from the shock? Or loss of blood... maybe even from the razor.

The only two words you could think of as you slumped down to the ground, eyes feeling heavy...

"Your fault"

im back :)

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