🌿Chapter 16🌿

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(This chapter is best read in dark mode :DD)

-me tf


very heavy self-deprecation & mentions to suicide

You walked down the side walk pulling your jacket closer to you, mornings in Faraway were always so cold but in the afternoon the sun would be blaring down on anyone who dared going outside.

You passed by the park and saw it was empty, far different from the usual busy one. You haven't walked around town early in the morning ever since you moved in so the walk was a little nostalgic.

You hummed and stood at the empty crossroad "I wonder is Basil's awake" you pondered to yourself before shrugging and making your way to the blonde's house.

You arrived at his nicely decorated house and knocked lightly on the door, after a few seconds of waiting you heard the door unlock and the door open slightly. You peeked into the crack and saw a pair of blue eyes looking at you, you waved as the door opened fully.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here this early?" the tired boy asked, blinking to get his eyes used to the slowly rising sun. Basil wore a orange shirt that was definitely too big for him and a pair of white shorts, his blonde hair was messy and the bags under his eyes were more prominent.

" Good morning Basil, the house was getting a little... lonely to be in since Kathryn's still sleeping, so i thought i'd come over" you said in a soft voice as you put your freezing hands on your pockets to heat them up.

You laughed and smiled nervously "But if its too early i could leave and come back in the afternoon if you want" you chuckled out. You didn't want to be a burden to him or Polly for staying over so early in the morning..

Basil shook his head and gave you a tired smile "No its okay, you can come in" he said stepping aside so you could get in. You sighed in relief and stepped inside the still dark house, you feared getting rejected and ending up alone again but Basil knew just how to solve that.

You looked around the dark house a bit before Basil turned on the lights, you hummed and went over to sit on the couch "Sorry if its a little quiet, Polly went to other mart to get stuff for breakfast" He said before sitting beside you.

"Its okay, as long as i'm not alone" you yawned out feeling the sleepiness start to drape over you, Basil looked over at you and saw you were trying to keep yourself awake by scratching your arm.

"Uhm... are you okay?" he asked worriedly, he reached over when your skin started to turn red and gently lifted your hand from your arm and placing his other on your reddened skin. You looked down at his hand before looking at him with a soft smile "I'm okay... just a little tired.." you yawned out and intertwined your fingers in his.

Basil furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at your hands with a light tint covering his cheeks "Do you want to... take a nap?" he asked as he watched you lightly rubbed your thumb along his index finger. You hummed and leaned backwards onto the couch staring up at his ceiling "maybe... if its not too much trouble.." you murmured, Basil nodded and smiled, he stood up and gently pulled you up "Hmm? W-wait i can just sleep on the couch" you suggested as Basil lead you to his room. He opened his door and shook his head "The couch isn't exactly... comfortable to sleep in" he said putting his hands down and fiddling with the ends of his shirt.

You looked around his room and smiled before looking at at the blonde, you put a hand on his head and softly patted him "Thank you Basil" you said before walking over and sitting on his bed. It was almost as soft as your bed, possibly even softer..

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