🌿Chapter 18🌿

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"Ok so we meet up at the park tomorrow and were gonna take back your photo Album okay?" you asked as you stood by the door ready to leave since night was approaching. Basil nodded and smiled gently at you "Okay.. thank you again for helping (Y/n), i appreciate it" he said opening his arms for a hug.

You smiled back and took him into a tight hug "Of course! I'll see you tomorrow bye byee" you sang out planting a short kiss on his cheeks before running away. You looked back and giggled when you saw Basil holding his cheek and blushing furiously. You wave once more before turning and disappearing from the blondes sight.

It didn't take long before you reached home and opened the door, Kathryn was sitting in her usual spot looking over papers as the drama played on the tv. She seemed focused on what she was doing, so you just closed the door and went into the kitchen. You hummed and looked into the fridge, apples, vegetables, frozen pizza for some reason..

You grabbed the apple and hopped onto the marble counter, closing the fridge door with your foot. You took a bite out of the shiny red fruit and swung your legs as you chewed.

Did Basil really vandalize Mari's photos? I mean, people cope in different ways but it just didn't seems like Basil would do such a thing. He loved his photos like it was a family pet, he wouldn't just... throw them away like that...

But he wouldn't lie to you..

Would he?

You shook the negative thoughts away, they weren't that important anyway. You got off the counter and threw the apple core into the trash can. You walked into the living room and saw Kathryn basically asleep while resting her head on her palm. You smiled and walked towards your sleeping guardian, you turned off the tv and laid her down gently onto the couch.

You grabbed the folded up blanket you used to sleep with the other night and draped it over her body. You looked down at the coffee table and couldn't help but look at the papers she was reading, you saw a picture of you... your father... your mother... and... Mari?

You gulped and hesitantly picked up the papers...

(Y/n) (L/n)

Age 17


Lost their mother in a car accident at age 11, which heavily impacted them and their father's life in the city. At age 13 they lost their friend Mari from a suicide during her 13th birthday. They was diagnosed with depression at this time. At age 17 they lost their father to a suicide, reasons are unknown but it is suspected that it is related to (Y/n).

The paper goes on describing you past, relationships and illnesses in terrifying accurate detail. Same goes with your father and mother, Mari's however, was almost empty..

It only stated her name, relationships and a bit of her past. No illnesses, no accurate details, nothing severely important..

Why did Kathryn have this..?

You quickly put down the papers when Kathryn shifted to the side a bit before going limp once more. You let out a shaky breath and brushed off any suspicions, she's just trying to get to know you better so she can help you better... its okay... everything's going to be okay...

You walked up stairs a looming darkness following your every step...

The air around you felt thick... and suffocating...

You grabbed your door knob ready to enter your room and fall asleep for the night

When your attention was dragged over to your fathers room...

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