🌿Chapter 28🌿

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Basil made his way to your room where he heard the crying. He slowly opened it "(Y/n)?" he looked up his blue eyes widening in fear when he saw you tip toeing with your neck around a noose.



He dropped the flowers and ran to pull you off the chair, he grabbed your legs and pulled you off the rope "wh-" you managed to say before falling to the floor with a loud thump.

You rubbed your head in pain and opened your eyes, Basil got up quickly and looked at you, teary eyed.

"Whats wrong with you?!" he yelled grabbing your shoulders and shaking you. You watched in shock as the blonde cried harder than you ever saw him.

Ugh... you felt so dizzy...

"Why would you even think of that?!" he yelled pointing to the noose that hug from a ceiling beam. He looked back at you, his blue eyes filled with worry.

You wiped your eyes and looked at him "wh... why are you here?" you asked, your voice soft and raspy.

"I-i wanted to apologise to you!" he said his grip on your shoulders weakening as he lowered his head. He was shaking so bad from the fear of what he almost saw. Thank god he wasnt too late..

oh god why did you even think of that..

"i.. im sorry, i shouldn't have said what i said... you're my best friend (Y/n)... ah.. n-no.... you're more than my best friend" he whimpered as he looked back up at you. His face red from crying.

"I love you!"

"W.. what?" you asked, your eyes wide in shock. He... he loves you?...

Basil flushed and struggled to keep eye contact "i.. i love you! More than anything... you're always so nice to me.. a-and you're so amazing.. and you make me feel... loved" he confessed letting go of your shoulders and sitting down on the floor in front of you.

"i-i love being around you and spending time with you! You're an amazing person and..and i really cant find any reason to hate you!"

"So.. so please... please dont leave me... p-please (Y/n)... i cant do it without you.... you can talk to me" he cried.

You sat in shock, no way this was real. This is just a dream, you probably already hung yourself... right?

"... you're... you're real right?.." you asked, lifting your hand and putting it on his face, gently pinching his tear stained cheeks. He nodded and put a hand on top of yours "Im real!" he said with a small smile.

A small smile made its way to your face before you quickly retracted your hand "Wait.. h-how do i know you're not just saying this to... not get me to.. uh... y'know?" mentioning to the noose.

Basil's smile faded before he went into thought for a bit "a-ah... maybe i could.." he whispered to himself. He couldn't belive what he was about to do..

He put a gentle hand on your forehead and brushed back some of your hair, before sliding his hand over to your cheek. Clearly nervous as his hand was shaking "u-uhm...c..can i..?" he asked

You pursed your lips and nodded, Basil exhaled before leaning close to you removing his hand from your cheek and setting them on the floor beside you to keep himself steady.

Basil closed his eyes and so did you when he got close, he placed his lips on yours. His lips were as soft as when you guys had your first kiss.. it felt... nice..

Basil pulled away, his face as red as a strawberry. He placed his hands on his lap "is.. is that enough p-proof?" he asked.

Soon you too could feel the blood rushing to your face, a chuckled left your lips before you put a hand on your cheek ".. yeah... yeah it is" you replied.

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