🌿Chapter 14🌿

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A few minutes passed by and Kathryn called you over for lunch, you both ate in the living room to avoid the huge family portrait in your dining room. You two ate while watching whatever shitty drama was playing on the tv.

Suddenly Kathryn stood up and put her bown down seemingly excited about something "Oh my god i completely forgot!!" she yelled running up the stairs and grabbing something from the guest room.

She came down the stairs with a weird looking case in her hand, she handed it to you with a gleeful smile on her face "Look at what your auntie bought you!" you put down your plate and swallowed the food in your mouth.

You grabbed the case and slid down the zipper, out came a guitar. Its wood was polished to look a vibrant brown and had red designs here and there "Isn't it beautiful?" Kathryn said smiling at you. You  stared at the instrument in slight disbelief, you ran your fingers across the strings making a beautiful sound with just one strum "Its amazing... but i dont know how to play" you said looking up at your caretaker for a response.

Kathryn only giggled and sat beside you "You'll learn eventually! Plus learning and instrument is a great way to relive stress and take your mind off things." Kathryn said patting your back, you smiled and gently put the guitar back in its case.

"Ah... tell her i said thank you.." you said putting the instrument to the side, Kathryn nodded as you two continued eating lunch.

Once you two were finished, Kathryn took your bowls and washed them in the kitchen. You picked up your guitar and slung it over your shoulder, as you were about to walk up your room Kathryn called out to you "Oh by the way! In your room there should be a big box in the corner, you can find a book of music you an learn on the guitar!!" she informed you, yelling because of the sound of rushing water overpowering her soft voice.

"Got it!" you yelled back and arrived at the top of the stairs, you looked at your father's room and saw a shadow seeping back into the room. You flinched at this and put a hand to your beating heart, you took in a deep breath and let it out "You're just hallucinating again... its okay... its not real" you reassure yourself walking into your room feeling eyes burning into the side of your head.

You quickly closed your door and felt the staring go away, you sighed in relief and put your guitar down beside your bed. You looked around your room and spotted the big brown box in the corner of your room.

You hummed in curiosity and pulled the heavy box into the middle of your room. You huffed and put your hands on your hips looking down at the knee high box, now you needed to figure out a way to open it.

You looked around your room and spotted a pair of scissors on your desk. You took them and used them to open the box, you lifted up the flaps and noticed everything inside was wrapped neatly in a piece or slightly transparent white paper.

You took the wax sealed envelope on top of the packaging and opened it taking out a brown letter. You furrowed your eyebrows and opened the letter.

"Dear (Y/n),

Hello my dear! How are you feeling? I heard about the situation with your father and i send you my condolences. He was too young and left too soon, i apologize for not being able to be there for you so i sent out a friend, Kathryn. She going to be your legal guardian and will act as your therapist and guide. As you probably have already noticed, inside this box is a bunch of gifts i hope will speed up your improvement to a better life. And since i missed your birthday this year i put in some extras! I hope you find my gift enjoyable! Till next time my dear.

-Auntie Matilda ❤️"

You smiled sadly and put a hand on the letter, you hadn't seen your auntie since you moved but it was glad to see her care about you. You chuckled at the writing and put it to the side, she's always been so extra and extravagant due to her high paying job but you didn't mind.

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