🌿Chapter 24🌿

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You felt... horrible...

Your head was pounding, and you felt sick to no end...

You couldn't speak to anyone no matter how much they talked to you. All that was on your mind was Basil...

The ambulance had picked them up around 3am and despite how sleepy you were, you couldn't fall asleep due to your aching worry for Basil. It was.. painful to stay awake but you didn't want to fall asleep again...

What if something wrong happens to him again?

You cant lose another one...

"(Y/n), you can sleep for awhile.. I'll wake you up when they start allowing visitors" Hero asked, sitting next to you in the hospital lobby. You shook you head and buried your face into your hands "no.. its okay.." you managed to mutter, earning a sigh for the older man.

The group had been waiting in the hospital for about 3 hours now, the hospital would open for visitors in around 30 minutes since it was about 6:00 am right now.

You stood up holding your head in your hands "I... i need to go walk for a bit.. I'll be back" you muttered to Hero before leaving the hospital in a rush.

You crouched by the side of a bush and threw up, emptying your almost empty stomach even more. The scene from this morning was stuck in your head and you couldn't get it out.

Sunny... why would he do that..?

Forgiveness for Sunny...

Im sorry Mari...

i cant bring myself to forgive him

not after what he did to Basil..

Suddenly a snap was heard from the trees near you..

You looked up and saw a shadow retreating into the forest...

Standing up, keeping your eye on the forest. Something inside you wanted to go to the hospital and just wait it out, but you wanted to follow it.

You stepped past your vomit and onto the grass, following the shadow into the thick forest. It moved faster and faster away from you, so you beagn running. Running after something or.. someone...


You turned around and saw Basil, a big smile on his face, the morning rays from the sun perfectly illuminating his perfect face. God... you loved him..

"Basil!" you cheered and ran up to hug him "Oh my god thank goodness you're alright!" you said with a smile trailing up to your face.

"I thought i was gonna lose you!" he hugs you back and patted your back. A soft giggle emitting from the boy "Dont worry (Y/n), id never leave you" he said. A wide smile made its way onto your face and happy tears fell from your eyes. Your eyes widened when a sharp pain hit your stomach, Basil chuckled and pulled away from your hug.

You looked down...

A knife directly stabbed into your stomach, blood dripping from the blade, to the handle and onto the grass. You looked back up at him and noticed a smile on his face. His blue eyes looking at you with a sort of hatred in them.

Your vision began blurring falling to your knees in pain "B.. Basil.... wh.. y..." you manage to mutter out.

Your vison darkened..

"(Y/n)? They're opening the hospital for visitation" Hero said shaking awake your sleeping figure. You jumped in place and looked at the brunette with fear in your eyes, you looked down at your stomach and found nothing in it.

It.. it was just a dream...

"Hey are you alright?" Kel asked gently putting a hand on your shoulder. You gulped and nodded "Yeah... just a bad dream.." you exhaled and stood up. Hero supporting your fragile body as you did so.

Kel nodded and walked along side a nurse that lead you to Basil and Sunny's hospital rooms.

Hero held you gently as the group walked, he couldn't shake the thought out of his mind. How did you know something was gonna happen that night? Was it some sort of... messed up prediction?

Whatever, thats not the problem right now...

Sunny was first on the list since his room was closer. The group sat down on the chairs that were provided for you, it was just soft talking for an hour or so while Sunny slept.

You stayed quiet trying to keep your eyes from shutting, you couldn't focus on anything, Not even on their conversation. You looked at Sunny his eye covered in a bandage and the rest of his injuries were covered up. A pulse monitor beeping beside him "(Y/n) we're gonna go to Basil now, you coming?" Aubrey asked standing up with the rest of the group.

"Ah.. n-no... i need a bit of time..." you muttered in response, Aubrey nodded as the group left the hospital room. Leaving you alone with Sunny.

You looked back down at the dark haired male and pressed your lips into a fine line. You missed the days where Sunny would smile, where the group would have genuine fun together.

Couldn't it be like that again?

"Sunny... i really hate you..." you said as tears welled up in your eyes. Mari would want you to forgive him, she forgave him...

How could she do that so easily?

Why was it so hard for you to forgive him?

"I miss the old days... where Mari would bake us cookies... when you used to play the violin... when we had fun" a sad smile on your face as you remembered. Tears falling from your eyes and onto his blanket. "I hate you... i hate you so fucking much..." you cried, the smile fading from your face as you cried into your hands.

You cant...

Im sorry Mari...

But i cant forgive him...

Not after what he's done...


Sorry for the late uplaod but school's recently started for me again and its been a difficult past few days since i transferred schools.

also sorry for the short Chapter i felt like i needed to get this out fast so you guys wouldn't wait as long :DD

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

please inform me if you see any misspellings :DD

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