🌿Chapter 10🌿

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When the sun started to set you two got up and left the clearing, you decided you accompany Basil home before going home yourself.

As you walked to your home the side effects of your medicine started to take place, you grew tired and your head began hurting.

You arrived home and looked around for your dad but only finding a post it note on the TV. You took it off and read the words on the neon green paper "Went to quickmart to buy onions for dinner :DD"

You smiled and crumpled the paper throwing it into the trashcan, you walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filling it up with water. You gulped it down and set it on the counter, ah wait..

You looked through your cabinet and found your pill bottles, you looked through the side effects carefully and found nothing about memory loss..

Was it really just your brain pushing back your memories?

You put down the bottle and looked into the shelf, you grabbed every single empty bottle and looked at the labels and side effects.

They were all the same...

But why..

Whenever you took your medicine after a break down you would always forget what happened...

You looked through the other cabinets and found nothing but pans and bowls.

You open the cabinet under the sink and found a box filled with the empty orange bottles..

You pulled it out and picked up one of the bottles "Albunorphine..." you read out, you weren't aware you took these... you thought the only pills you took were Zoloft...

Your eyes widened when you saw the description and side effects

"Albunorphine... for intentional memory loss... side effects include, hallucinations, migraines, drowsiness, abnormal heart rhythms and fever.."

You dropped the bottle and looked into the box filled with empty bottles..

How long have you been taking these?

Your breath became unstable upon seeing the empty bottles, you put a hand to your mouth as you started to figure it out..

Every time you broke down or had a panic attack your father would always give you two pills instead of the one pill you would usually take, you took them without question for 4 years and ended up forgetting your childhood...

You put a hand to your head in an attempt to sooth your massive migraine, you're efforts proved to be useless as the pain only grew.

You didn't want to believe it..

The door creaked open as your father came through the door with a plastic bag in his hands "(Y/nnn)! Im homeee!" he sang out, you turned your head towards the entrance of the kitchen and waited for him to enter.

Once he saw you his smile dropped..

"Dad... what... what are these?" you questioned him, your voice low and shaky..

He stayed silent as his eyebrows furrowed

You picked up one of the bottles and pointed to the label "Intentional memory loss? Is this why I've been forgetting things?" you questioned him.

He took the bottle from you and grabbed the box on the ground "You weren't supposed to see these" he muttered out.

"Then when dad?! When was i supposed to see this?! When i completely forget you?" you question following him as he stuffed them back in the cabinet you took it out of.

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