🌿Chapter 33🌿

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You woke up in a cold sweat, uneven breaths leaving your chapped lips. A quick look around made you remember the events that previously occurred.

You glanced at your wrist before quickly looking away and holding your breath.

"Oh god.. oh god its real" you muttered to yourself, the only thoughts going through your head was 'What would Basil think if he saw this?'..

You stood up and looked away as you turned on the faucet, letting the cold water hit the cuts on your wrist. You winced in pain and shut your eyes tight, cleaning the wound was probably more painful than actually inflicting the wound..

After washing it you grabbed the razor and flushed it down the toilet, you huffed and reached back inside your medical cabinet to grab bandages to wrap around your wrist.

Once done, you looked at your reflection... god.. you looked terrible..

Why did he  have to come back when things were starting to look up for you?

It wasnt fair.. why could your friends move on and be happy while you stayed and suffered? Guess you weren't welcomed in the 'We've overcome our trauma' club.

You sighed and left the bathroom, it was around night time at this point and your room was cold from the air flowing through your open window. You shut it and found yourself mindlessly sitting on your bed.

You looked around to see if anything changed while you were passed out, then you saw it. A folded paper beneath your door, you hummed in curiosity and walked to pick it up.

The smell of the paper nice and familiar..

It was from Basil..

You opened the neatly folded paper and read the lines writen on it..

"Hey, im really sorry i forgot about our baking today. Hero called us for a picnic right as i was about to head out and i got distracted.

Im really sorry i upset you, i promise i wont forget again. I love you <3


You smiled at the note, reading it again and again. He reached out and acknowledged his mistake, it meant alot to you... ah... how would you explain.. the thing..

'Yeah my bad bro, i was hallucinating and my dead dad forced me to do it, normal sunday you know?'

You'd just sound crazy!

You huffed and layed on your bed staring up at the beige ceiling, soon enough you fell asleep holding the note Basil left for you.


The sun rose a few hours later and Basil looked in the mirror fixing his hair and clothes, preparing to go apologise to you in person.

He even prepared a few stems of roses to give you, a shaky sigh left him as he stepped out of his house and walked towards yours.

Basil arrived at your front door and hovered his fist over the door, nervously tapping his foot on the cement. Finally he gulped and gently knocked on the door, he waited in silence before footsteps approached at the wood from the other side. His blue eyes lit up with joy as the door opened, only to be filled back with disappointment.

Kathryn smiled and welcomed him inside "Hi Basil! Here to see (Y/n)?" she asked. Basil smiled back and nodded "Yeah, are... are they around?" he asked.

Kathryn nodded and put her hands on her hips "Yeah but they havent come out of their room since yesterday afternoon. Can you check on them? They wont answer my calls"

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