🌿Chapter 6🌿

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3 days passed until your father finally came home... he was exhausted but still came to check on you.

"(Y/nnn), Im home sweetieee" he sang out walking straight to you room where you were laying down. You looked up from your blanket as soon as he opened the door, you smiled "Welcome back dad" you said sitting up and opening your arms for a hug.

He grinned and went up to bear hug you "Hrk-" he squeezed you tight and swayed side to side "I missed you so much kiddooo" he said hugging you even tighter "I.. missed.. you too" you managed to mutter out before he let go of you.

"You're as cold as ice!" he exclaimed grabbing your hands in his warm one's. You laugh and shrugged it off , thank goodness your wound had healed enough for him to not notice it "Its... its been cold in the house recently" you said, he nodded and shivered a bit "Yeah it is a bit chilly here today"

He smiled and put his hands on his hips and fixed his glasses "How about you go get some fresh air outside? I'm sure your friends miss you!" you gave him a shaky smile and looked to the side "uhm.. n-no i don't really...feel like it.."

"Oh c'mon champ! A little sun light wont hurt anybody! Plus when you come home I'll have tons of food prepared!" he clapped and walked out of your room.

Oh...food does sound nice...

You got up and supported yourself on your wall, you almost haven't left your room in the 3 days your father was gone for. You haven't eaten or drank anything since Basil left your house, without any money to sustain yourself you've grown fragile, barely able to walk.

You took a deep breath before making your way to the stairs, holding tightly to the railings. Soon enough you arrived at the front door holding onto the door knob for dear life "Be safe okayyy!" you dad called out from the kitchen.

You nodded and left the house.

You knew he wouldn't stop annoying you if you didn't leave to take care of yourself. He cared a lot about you and you loved him for that.

Despite your want to not leave the house..

you left the house..

Sad isnt it?

You walked slowly blowing hot air into your hands that remained cold despite the sun shining down on you.

"its so cold" you muttered to yourself as you walked around, kids were laughing and playing. It all sounded... muffled?

You passed by the park planning to go sit down the the fountain near othermart, until you heard him again...

"HELP!! SOMEBODY PLEASE!!" you recognized that voice anywhere... Basil..

You so desperately wanted to walk away and ignore his cries but something stopped you... why? You hated him so much why would you want to help him?

He yelled once more for help before your body got a sudden burst of energy. You ran into the park looking for the source of the screams. You ran into the trees and found yourself in a clearing, there was a clear lake and a few people surrounding Basil .

Pink glossy hair shone brightly in front of you as the girl watched her goon's torment Basil.

"Aubrey..." you muttered, she turned around and made eye contact with you. Her pricing gaze burning hole into your tired eyes.

"You again? What do you want?" she said swinging her nailed bat onto her shoulder, she smirked as her group turned their attention towards you "Looking for another beating?"

You looked at Basil who was looking at you surprised, tears falling from his blue eyes. His blonde hair was messy and knotted, looks like its been pulled on..

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