🌿Chapter 13🌿

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The rest of the day passed by slow and soon your friends had to leave. You sat in your hospital bed in silence staring at the fresh flowers that Basil had left you.

You sighed and turned your head towards the hospital door. The doctors said you would have to stay in the hospital for 3 days to get treated and heal for your physical problems.

The doctor told you an hour ago that your auntie from your old town contacted the hospital and will be sending a caretaker your way. She couldn't do it herself cause of her work so she hired one of her friends to take care of you from now on.

A nurse entered your room with hospital food in her hands, she smiled at you and put the tray on your lap "Here you are (Y/n), how are you feeling?" she asked sitting on the chair beside your table.

You looked at the food in front of you and grabbed the plastic spoon that came with it "I don't know.." you muttered eating what ever was in the bowl of food. The nurse nodded sitting with a note book and pen in her hands "That's alright, make sure to eat everything there's a lot of protein that, since you have a bad case of malnutrition you will have to eat and take a lot of vitamins while you're here" she stated bringing out a bottle of vitamins from her pocket.

She put them on your table and stood up to grab a glass of water from the dispenser in your hospital room. She put it on your desk and smiled "I'll be back to get your plate later, take 3 of these and drink your water" she said pointing to the vitamin bottle and cup of water.

She smiled and left your hospital room, much to your dismay..

You sat in silence and ate your food, after eating you took the orange bottle and looked at the side effects. Thankfully vitamins didn't have much side effects so you were good. A sigh of relief left your cracked lips as you opened the bottle.

More hours passed by with you sitting in silence just starting the the door while picking skin off your fingers. Soon the doctors and nurses began shutting off the lights in the rooms of patients and leaving the lights in the hall open.

You looked at the clock hanging from the wall and watched the arms move as time passed by "12 am" the clock read. A nurse walked into your room and smiled at you "Good night (Y/n)" she said with a smile, taking the pillow behind you and placing it at your head rest, you nodded and adjusted your position so you could lay down on your back.

The nurse left the room once more and left you until the next day.


You spent the rest of the 3 days in silence barely talking to the nurses or doctors. You would say you experience at the hospital was bad but...

Basil would come see you everyday and bring your different kinds of flowers while keeping you company. He would bring a small sketch book and show you his art and even draw you a couple of times. You tried to draw him as well but it only ended up in a bunch of messed up scribbles, you thought it was terrible... but Basil thought it was amazing.

He kept you company through out your stay in the hospital and made you smile through hard times. He would help you calm down when you got sad and would always try his best to make you happy.

Today was the day you would leave the hospital, your auntie's friend would wait for you outside the hospital so you two could go back to your house. You fixed up the room and met with a nurse at the bottom floor "Alright! Here's your vitamins, take them 3 times a day. Your guardian can come here when you're out of these and restock them with this prescription" she said handing you the papers and the pills.

You nodded at her and smiled softly "Thank you... uhm... do i like.... have to sign something?" you asked grabbing the pills and papers. The nurse shook her head and smiled "Your guardian already did the paperwork" she pointed outside the hospital and over to a black car "She's over there waiting for you" You nodded and waved bye to the nurse before exiting the hospital.

You looked around the parking lot and noticed a hand waving towards you, you squinted your eyes and shielded your eyes from the blaring sun "(Y/nnn)!! Over hereee!!" you heard a female voice yell from afar, you walked towards the voice and the woman opened the car door and got out.

She looked middle aged and had jet black hair with brown eyes, she wore her hair into a low ponytail with a few strands having away from her face. She wore a simple blue shirt and white jeans "Hi! Your auntie hired me to be your new caretaker, im Kathryn!" she said holding her hand out for you to shake. You gave her a gentle smile and put your hand in hers "Its nice to meet you" you said simply.

She opened her cars door and offered you a seat inside "Shall we go?" she asked, you nodded and got in the front seat. She closed the door beside you and hopped into the drivers side "I moved into the house two days ago so i took the opportunity and cleaned up the house and took care of the plants there!" You hummed in curiosity and looked at the woman as she drove.

"Oh sweet.... how did you get in the house?" you asked her, she laughed and stared directly at the road as she took a hair pin out of her hair "These come in handy a lot" you snorted and giggled lightly at the woman's actions "Isn't that illegal?" you asked her with a goofy smile.

She laughed and shook her head "Not if they don't catch you" you laughed softly into your hand as Kathryn chuckled beside you.

You two soon arrived at the house and Kathryn got out of the car first, you stared at the house and slightly furrowed your eyebrows. Never have you thought that you'd be scared of your own house, the place where you grew up now terrified you. The older woman opened the car door holding out her hand for you to grab, you looked at it before looking up at her. A motherly smile on her face "I know its hard being here again after what happened.. but you gotta be brave alright? Im here for you alright?"

You looked at her and gulped looking down at her hand before putting your hand in hers. Kathryn smiled and helped you out of the car, she closed the car door and locked it before looking at you "Whenever you're ready (Y/n)" she said with a warm smile.

You let out a shaky breath and held Kathryns hand tight in yours, you walked towards the door with your caretaker walking beside you. You stopped in front of the door and nodded, Kathryn took out the house keys and put them in the slot before twisting and taking them out "You can do the honors"

You hummed and put your hand on the door knob, you slowly twisted it and opened the door. You stared into your clean living room, your plants were healthy and the scent of vanilla was stronger than a few days ago. Kathryn smiled and patted your shoulder "You did it! Im so proud of you! Lets slowly move towards overcoming your trauma together okay?" she asked you with a soft smile on her face.

You gave her a nervous yet happy smile and nodded "Yeah... yeah okay" you two walked into the house, Kathryn walking straight to the kitchen while you looked around the house that you hadn't seen in a bit.

"So (Y/n)! How do you feel about fried rice and sausages for lunch?" she asked as she looked into the fridge with a small smile. You hummed and nodded "Sounds delicious" you responded as you walked towards the backyard, you slid open the door and walked into the garden. The plants have overgrown slightly but it wasn't too bad to trim again. You looked  into the trees and saw a dark figure standing behind a tree... staring at you...

You took a step towards it but it ended up disappearing as you did so. You shivered feeling a cold air blow towards you "What was that?" you asked yourself before shaking your head and turning around.

"Im just seeing things again"

tysm for all the support!! Love you all muah <33

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