🌿Chapter 30🌿

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You turned in the direction of the voice and saw Hero, Kel and Aubery running over to you.

The car stopped as Sunny looked out the window, his eyes widened in shock before quickly unlocking the car door.

"Sunny!" Kel yelled with a huge grin on his face, tears flowing down his tanned skin. Sunny opened his arms as Kel jumped into them.

Aubery and Hero followed up and hugged the smaller boy "You guys actually... came to see me leave?" he asked them.

"Of course we did... we had a talk earlier, we shouldn't be holding grudges anymore. Its just going to be bad for all of us in the long run and uh.... Mari.... wouldn't want us to hate you for what you did" Aubery confessed, a sad look in her teal eyes. Kel nodded and sniffed up his continually dripping snot "We love you Sunny! Dont ever forget that!".

"Yeah, we wont forget you Sunny, youre a good kid" Hero smiled as they all hugged him tighter. A smile made its way onto your face as you watched your friends cry and make up for past mistakes.

Before you knew it, tears had began falling from your (e/c) eyes, it was a nice sight seeing your friends smile like the first day you met them.

"Thank you.. thank all of you! Ill miss you guys so much" he said as tears fell from his eye. Hero looked over to you and Basil before welcoming you into the hug.

Basil wiped away his tears and smiled, opening his arms and joining the hug, you soon followed as your group gave Sunny one last hug.

It felt like the world had finally given you all some peace, like you were all kids again.

It felt.... nice..

Sadly the hug had to end as Sunnys mother called him back into the car.

The 5 of you waved bye as the car made its way out of the city.

Silence fell upon the group as you stood outside of Sunnys emptied house. Hes gone... forever

Suddenly, sadness washed upon you once more, you wish you could've spent more time with him.

"Its getting late, how about we meet up tomorrow for lunch? My treat" Hero said wiping away any stray tears with his sleeves.

"Yeah! Free lunch!" Kel cheered, you agreed and so did the rest of them.

You all began walking to your own houses, You and Basil stopped at the door to your house "Well, thank you for today Basil. I had fun" you said with a smile.

He nodded and held his hands behind his back "I had fun as well, you wouldn't mind if i... uh... stayed over for the night would you?" he asked shyly.

You chuckled and shook your head "of course not, Kathryn probably wouldn't mind either, c'mon" you opened the door to be greeted with the smell of cooking food.

Basil took in a big wiff of the cooked meat and hummed in delight "Smells good!" he complimented getting the attention from the caretaker in the kitchen.

Kathryn peeked her head out of the kitchen and smiled. She wiped her hands on her apron and walked over to you two "(Y/n)! Basil! How are you both?" She asked.

"Im doing fine, thank you for asking!" Basil chirpped, Kathryn then looked at you. You gave her an awkward smile and looked away "Im.. fine Kathryn"

"Thats great! You two just sit down there dinners almost ready!" She said returning to the kitchen to tend to the meat she was cooking. You sat on the couch, Basil soon following after you.

The two of you sat in silence due to the tv playing in front of you. Basil occupied watching a gardening show on it. You leaned backwards and looked at Basil, he looked so interested in the show... he was almost... cute...

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