🌿Chapter 23🌿

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The group would not stop teasing you about the picture with Basil for about 15 minutes until they finally left it. Leaving you exhausted from trying to explain the pictures of you and Basil together. They were now watching tv while laughing at the main characters for making dumb choices.

"hmm? Since when did Basil have a guitar?" Hero asked eyeing your guitar, Kel gasped and stood up to grab it. He took it out of its case and gazed at the perfect looking wood "Woahhh it so fancy!" Kel complimented.

He strummed down onto the strings slowly and smiled at the instrument "Ah... actually thats mine Kel" you spoke up slightly raising your hand. Kel gasped and handed it to you "Can you play us something?" he asked, a childlike smile on his face.

You took the guitar and let out a soft laugh "Oh uhm i cant sing that well" you replied resting the guitars hip on your thigh. Aubrey leaned her head on her palm and gave you a small smile "Its not like were gonna make fun of you, but were not forcing you"

Well... it wouldn't hurt to play something for them...

"A-alright..." you cleared your throat and placed your hands on the right strings...

You played out the intro with shaky hands, you felt them staring at you and it made you nervous. Even Polly was listening in "You dont have to be a hero to save the world" you sang in a soft voice.

As the song progressed you got more comfortable with singing around them, you sang a bit louder and began playing a bit louder as well.

You got to the final bit and looked back at the group for any reactions "Woah.. that was actually pretty good" Aubrey said, Hero nodded and clapped for you "Yeah it was really good (Y/n)! How long have you been playing?" he asked. You smiled at them and hummed "For almost a week now actually" you replied putting a hand to the back of your neck.

"What really? You're so good already" Kel complimented once more, making your cheeks tint a light pink color. Polly then called you all for dinner, after eating you called Kathryn and asked if you could stay over.

Of course, she said yes..

You guys were now on the couch watching a movie, Sunny and Kel had fallen asleep. Leaving you, Hero and Aubrey as the ones awake, surprisingly all of you were scared of the movie....

It was a horror movie, yet non of you really wanted to change the channel. The thrill of the movie was slightly addicting to be honest.

"That was a bad move on her part" Hero muttered as the main characters walked to her own death. You let out a small chuckle at his comment as the credits started to roll "That movie was.. kinda bad" Aubrey said pulling her blanket back over her legs.

"Dont act like you weren't even a litte bit scared Aubrey" Hero teased with a smile, Aubrey puffed out her cheeks and rolled her eyes "... Whatever im going to sleep" she huffed. The older man laughed and turned to look at you "You gonna sleep too (Y/n)?" he asked with the tv illuminating his caring smile.

You smiled back at him and nodded "i will... but uhm... Hero?.. can i.. talk you?" you hesitantly asked, during the movie you couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen...It wasnt the anxiety from the movie, no.. that was different.

It felt choking..

Hero hummed and turned to completely face you "Of course! What is it?" he asked. You looked down and pulled at your fingers skin "I feel.. sick.. i dont know, like something bads gonna happen.." you replied, your hands beginning to shake slightly.

Hero frowns and looks down at your hands, he places a hand on top of yours and one underneath "Calm down..as long as im here I'll make sure nothing goes wrong okay? You're gonna be fine alright?" he reassures with a smile.

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