🌿Chapter 34🌿

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You quickly retracted your hand and sat up to look at him, a shaky smile on your now nervous face "Whaaat? What are you talking about?" You laughed attempting to deceive the blonde.

Yet his eyebrows furrowed with worry and anger "(Y/n).. show me your wrist" he demanded in a soft voice. It wasnt angry but it scared you..

Your eyes looked around for something else to talk about but Basil wasnt having it "(Y/n)" he repeated.

"No!.. i just.. i accidentally hurt my wrist.. falling over yesterday.. yeah.. haha" You weren't the best at lying through your teeth and he could tell you were lying.

His face morphed into a confusion of emotions, staring right through your (e/c) eyes. Your panicked breaths grew more and more uneven the longer Basil stayed silent, the he spoke "Why are you lying to me? Didn't... didn't i say you could talk to me?" his voice broken. Shaky and soft, it broke your heart even more.

Yet you found your words clogging your throat, you opened your mouth and nothing came out. Basil huffed and took your arm, forcefully grabbing the bandages and pulling them off "Ah! Basil!" you yelped as the dried up blood got ripped off your skin, reopening the healing wounds.

He already knew what you had done even before he ripped it off, but he couldn't help himself as the emotions poured out.

"(Y/n)! You promised you wouldn't!" No longer calm and collected, Basil yelled at you.

You tore your hand away from him and held your bleeding wrist, you looked down at the wound as he continued to yell at you "Is this because of the picnic? Are you serious? You cant handle being alone for 1 day and you try to kill yourself again?!" his voice cracking under the tears streaming down his face.

You looked up at him surprised backing away from him slowly, he was starting to scare you...

"... What...?" you asked, Basil sighed in exhaustion and wiped his face with his hands he opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off "Why did you say that?" you couldn't help but make your voice louder. A mix of emotions flooding your body, Basil sighed as his words finally hit him "Im.. im sorry.. i was just-"

"Angry? Yeah i know" you hissed amd stood up, tightly holding your arm with your hand. The pain was unbearable, not only physical but also the emotional wounds the blonde left on you.

"(Y/n), look im just worried.." he replied, trying to get you to stay with him.

"Yeah sure you're worried" you quoted him.

You bit your inner lip, forcing back the tears that you refused to spill "Why would you say that to me when you have no idea what im going through? Yeah okay you had your happy ending with Sunny but what about me?"

Basil opened his mouth but now it was his turn, the words welled up in his throat, refusing to come out even if he forced it. You stared down at him as Basil helplessly looked up at you from his place on the mat.

"You forget what happened to my father, he drugged me without my consent for years! He made me forget things i didn't wanna forget then when i found out, he killed himself! And you have the audacity to say that to me?" You yelled at him, didn't feel good to be yelled at, right Basil?

You were filled with frustration at the blue eyed male, tears falling from his eyes and staining his flushed cheeks.

" (Y/n)... please.. i.. i didnt.. im sorry.. "he muttered out through sobs, you rolled your eyes and chuckled in disbelief "Why are you crying?... God Basil you're so unbelievable!" you stomped away. You didn't even wanna look at him right now, his presence made you angry.

As much as you hated being alone, you didn't want to be near Basil.

A hand grabbed your own and you turned around to meet his puffy ones "Dont go.. please.. i.. i love you.." Basil was desperate to get you to stay, you could hear it in his voice.


You yanked your hand away from him "Leave me alone"




The walk to your house seemed to go on forever, the chilly night air sending shivers down your already cold body. You pulled your jacket closer to you but nothing helped with the cold.

All your anger and frustration was gone but replaced with a sort of empty feeling. As if you emptied everything out on Basil and you had nothing left to cry out.

You reached your house, a sort of dread filling you as you twisted the knob. The house was dark and quiet, only illuminated by the moon shining through some of the windows.

Kathryn was already asleep by the looks of it and cooked dinner for you to eat when you got home. You walked into the kitchen and looked down at the now cold plate of mash potatoes and steak.

You fingers grazed over and picked up the paper beside it.

"Hey! If youre reading this im asleep, you can heat it up in the microwave if you want! Say hi to Basil for me if hes with you! ;))"

Even the mention of his name made you recoil, you looked back down at the plate and sighed. You didn't have the appetite to eat right now.

You wish you could just.. forget..

" In.. the.. drawer.. "

You flinched at the voice and looked around the room, a whisper? From where?

"Dra.. wer.."

There it is again.

You turned around and saw an open drawer, it seemed empty until a pill bottle rolled out from the back.

You watched as the orange container hit the edge, waiting eagerly for you to pick it up.

Your breaths soon became uneven once more, as you took slow steps to look at the bottle. The bright orange and white seemingly taunting you as the light from the window shone on it.

You picked it up.

Looked at the label.

Albunorphine, for intentional memory loss, side effects include, hallucinations, migraines, drowsiness, abnormal heart rhythms and fever.

Suddenly all the memories came flodding back to you, memories from when you had panic attacks, when your dad tried getting you out of bed.

It overwhelmed you, the tears you held back earlier finally began to pour as you looked down at the bottle.

"You.. know.. what to.. do"

You felt the hands lay gently on your shoulder.

You opened the bottle and poured the remaining pills into your hand.

"Go on...join.. me.."

You grabbed a glass of water and stuffed the medication in your mouth.

It laughed.

"Good.. child.."


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