🌿Chapter 17🌿

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After an hour, you finally came out and wiped your face with your jackets sleeves. Your face hurt from your digging your nails into it and your head hurt like hell.

You stood up and looked around Basil's room for a mirror, you found one on the wall by his door and stood by it, leaning closer to the reflective surface.

Your face was red and so were your eyes, especially where your nails were. Lets hope you can make an excuse for this...

You took in a deep breath and opened the door, the sound of a show playing on tv and searing of food filled your ears. You sniffed the air and smelled the scent of fresh herbs and cooked meat. It smelled amazing...

You guessed Polly was home already..

You walked into the living room and saw Basil sitting on the couch criss cross and while Polly was humming and smiling in the kitchen. You walked over and sat next to Basil, the Blonde jumped and put a hand to his heart when he noticed you.

You looked at him and gave him your usual careless smile, He relaxed and smiled back "A-ah you sacred me, how was your sleep?" he asked setting his hands beside him on the couch.

You let out a nervous laugh as you smiled at him "I slept.. fine.." you lied to him. The blonde believed you and smiled happily "That's good, i'm glad you got some rest" he cheered.

"Oh! (Y/n) you're awake!" you turned your head and saw Polly pouring cooked rice into a bowl while looking at you. You gave the older female a smile and waved "Hello Polly! Sorry for coming over so early" you apologized to her. Polly shook her head and smiled "Oh its no problem (Y/n)! Me and Basil adore your company" she said sweetly, reminding you of how your mother used to talk to you.

You gave the brunette a sad smile and chuckled "Ah.. im.. im glad to hear that" you replied. Polly then called you two over for lunch, Talking about small topics over the tv's loud chatter.

Lunch passed by rather fast and you and Basil decided to stay in for today, Basil sat on the couch while you sat on his floor. You two watch the tv and laughed about the little mistakes the actors made on set.

The phone began ringing, dragging both of your attention from the tv "Ill get it" you announced before standing up and walking towards the phone. You picked up the phone and held it towards your ear with a smile "Hello?"

"Do it" a distorted voice rang out, you stiffened and held the telephone tighter. You quickly put the phone down and ended the call, what was that?

You breath was jagged and your hands began to shake "(Y/n)? A-are you alright..? Who was it" Basil asked worriedly staring at your shaking figure. You gulped and turned to the blonde with a happy smile on your face "Im fine! Just a guy who got the wrong number!" you said walking back to the couch and sitting back down onto the floor. You didn't want to bother him with your feeling's again... it wasn't real anyway... right?

Basil cautiously nodded and stared at you as you hugged your knee's staring blankly into the tv. It didn't look like you were watching, but more in heavy thought. The blonde bit the inside of his cheeks and looked back at the tv, think no more about it.

An hour passed by and you leaned you head back and onto Basil's leg "Hey Basil?" You asked rolling your eyes up to look at him. Basil's cheeks tinted a light pink at your actions but gathered his emotions to respond to you ".. y-yes?.." he asked nervously.

"Can.. i see the photo album?... I haven't seen it in.. years.." you said lifting your head and sitting next to him on the couch. Basil awkwardly looks to his side and put on a nervous yet sad smile "Oh.. uhm.. A-about that... Aubrey took it..." he muttered out softly.

Your eyes widened as you looked at the blonde in shock "What?! No way! How long has it been with her?" you asked him. Basil looked down at his lap and nervously fiddled with the end "She's had it for awhile now... i tried to take it back b-but she never listens a-and that's why they always pick on me.." He admitted anxious to hear your reaction to this new information.

When you didn't say anything, Basil looked up at saw you staring at him. Your baggy (e/c) eyes filled with sadness and anger stared directly into his dull blue ones. He chuckled nervously and shook his hand in front of him "B-but don't blame her! Its... its my fault anyway..." he said looking down at the space in between the both of you. You furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head, confused on what he meant by it was his fault.

"What do you mean?" you asked him, crossing your legs over the couch so you could face him better. Basil gulped, unaware how you would react to his lie. He didn't want to tell you Sunny did it, he didn't want you to hate him more...and he didn't want to lie to you..

After all, Sunny didn't do anything wrong... it wasn't... it was... something behind him..

"promise you won't...be mad at me?" he asked softly tightly gripping the couch. You noticed his more anxious than usual posture and grew sympathetic for him. You nodded and held out your pinky, he looked at your hand then looked back up at you. You smiled at him and nodded "I promise".

He interlocked his pinky with your's and let out a nervous hum, You let go and anxiously waited for him to tell you..

"I... i blacked out Maris face in the pictures..."




"... What?"

You chuckled and ran a hand through your hair "You're joking.. right?" Basil looked down at his lap, his blue eyes slowly filling with sadness "I-im.. im sorry" he said quietly tightly gripping at his light orange shirt.

You formed your lips into a line and felt a knot tightening in your stomach. You wanted to believe he was lying but just couldn't, he would never lie to you..

You had the urge to stand up and leave to take a fresh breath but you couldn't leave him alone... not again... not someone else... you cant handle another heart break..

You forced a smile onto your face and hugged Basil "No.. its okay Basil... we.. we all cope in different ways... don't be sad... im not mad" you said calmly gently patting his back. The blonde was in shock to say the least..

How were you so forgiving?

You were being too accepting and kind towards his actions that it almost felt unreal..

The fact that you haven't started ignoring him after everything you know is astounding to him. Not everything he said was completely true though... sooner or later you would find out..

Then what?

Would you avoid him?

Hate him?

or accept him?




Would this kindness last forever?

Oh the things i have planned


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