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Its been 3 months since then and the group has never been better, you made up with Hero before he left for college and since you got a phone recently you two have been updating each other frequently.

Aubery and Kel still bicker at the smallest things but nevertheless still stayed friends. They're in the same class so its never a dull moment when they're together.


As for you as Basil you ask?


The blond turns his head as his bright blue eyes meet yours, his smile grows as he opens his arms to embrace you in a hug.


You run into his arms and hold him in a tight embrace as if you haven't seen him in years.

But in reality, you two were just apart for maybe 5 hours?

"Hows the new teacher?" You ask him as you pull away from the hug and hold onto the tote bag Basil designed for you not too long ago.

He sighs yets keeps his smile "She's a bit mean but i guess all science teachers are like that" You locked your hand into Basils as you both walked down the side walk and into town where the rest of the kids were running around looking for something to do before going home.

"Dont stress about her, she'll warm up to your class eventually! Hey how about we go try that new sushi place down town! I heard they're plant themed" You grinned and watched as his face lit up, he held your hand tighter and gave you a smile.

"I'd love to!"

Gah damn.


Sorry for prolonging this ending for so long, it really was never part of my plan to have like 10 hiatus' while writing this book-

but thank you all for sticking with me till the end its means the world to me and no amount of words can ever express how grateful i am.

From the start of writing this book until today, I've never once had a dull moment looking through all of your comments.

Yall unhinged

just like me fr

but anyways,




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