🌿Chapter 8🌿

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The next day came and your house was completely quiet aside from the tv playing in the background. You opened your eyes and put a hand on your aching head "What.. what happened last night?" you couldn't remember anything.

You got up from your bed and went to go look for your father, you went down stairs and found him in the kitchen cooking something.

"Oh! You scared me there Kid, good afternoon you woke up just in time for lunch" he said cheerfully putting some meat and vegetables on a plate..

You looked around the house then back to your father "Where's Basil?"

Your father hummed and brought the plate of food to the dining table, you followed him and sat in your designated seat "He had to leave early last night" he said simply giving you an empty plate for you to eat with.

You hummed and nodded, you thought nothing about it and just believed him. You ate your lunch and went back to your room when you were done.

You changed into new clothes and went back downstairs "Hey dad?" you called out, you grabbed some water and a pill.

"Yeahhh?" he responded from the living room, you quickly washed down the pill and walked into the living room "I'm gonna go to see if Basil's okay" you said slipping on a jacket before heading for your door.

"Alright sweetie just be careful okayy?"

You nodded and left for Basil's house, on your way there you stopped by a vending machine and looked at the options.

You looked at the one with the prettiest packaging and bought two of them. You took the out of the machine and looked at the label "Sparkling strawberry lemonade" you muttered to yourself. You've never tired it, but if the packaging is pretty, you give it your money.

You held both cans in one hand and walked over to Basil's house, you stood at a crossing and looked both ways before crossing the street.

Before you knew it, you stood in front of the small house decorated in beautiful plants. Surprisingly, it only took you an hour to find his house. You've only been here twice and compared with your memory, you expected it to take longer.

You straightened you back and knock on the door waiting for a response. Soon the door opened and a middle aged women opened the door. She had brown hair and small bags under her eyes, she smiled at you and fully opened the door.

"Oh your Basil's friend right? I'm Polly its nice to meet you" Polly introduced holding out her hand for you to shake. You smiled back and shook her hand with your unoccupied one.

"Its nice to meet you too, Is Basil around?" you asked looking behind her and into the seemingly quiet house "Yes! He's in his room right now but i could call him if you want" Polly said pulling her jacket back over her shoulders since it was slipping off slightly.

"That would be great! Tell him (Y/n)'s here" you said making Polly nod and retreated into the house leaving you at the door step.

While waiting, you looked around the front yard and noticed a few flowers planted here and there. One caught your attention the most though..

Purple hyacinths

They bloomed beautifully leaving a sweet scent lingering in the air, you always found lilacs beautiful. You would even say they were your favorite flower..

"A-ah.." you heard a soft voice say knocking you out of your trance. You looked up and saw Basil rubbing his arm awkwardly and Polly standing behind him "Here he is! I'll leave you two alone" she said before going back into the house.

You smiled at the blonde and handed him the other can you bought earlier "Here, i got this for you" he looked at the can before raising a shaky hand and grabbing it ".. th-thank you.." he whispered in a barely audible voice.

You looked at him and noticed a light bruise on his left cheek "Oh jeez, what happened to your face?" you asked looking at the large bruise "Was it Aubrey and her gang again? If it was, i can go give them a taste of their own medicine" you said proudly raising your first, the one you unknowingly hit Basil with.

The blonde stared at you in shock before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion "Y-you.... don't remember?" he questioned. You looked back at him confused at what he meant by that.

"Remember what? Am i like... missing something?" you asking rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. Basil put a hand on his injured cheek and cleared his throat "U-uhm... you...last n-night... uhh.." he gulped and looked down at the pavement he stood on.

He was unaware if he should remind you about the events that went down last night, in fear that you would break down again... But... how did you forget it so quickly..?

You tilted your head and raised your hand to his cheek, Basil stiffened as he watched your hand approach his face. He hesitantly removed his own hand from his face and let your cold hand replace it.

"Dose it hurt?" you simply asked running your thumb over his skin and lightly pressing on it. His face flushed a bright red making him fidget with the cold can in his hands "Not t-that much anymore.." he replied.

You gave him a soft smile before taking your hand away and putting it in the pocket of your jacket "Sorry if there's something I'm supposed to be remembering, i don't know how i keep forgetting important things" you laughed sadly and held your now luke warm can of strawberry lemonade.

Basil frowned and looked down at the pavement, you shook your head and put a hand on his shoulder "But I'm sure I'll remember them one day! Lets not get too sad about it!" you said putting your hand on his head and playfully ruffling his hair. Basil lowered his head and formed his lips into a straight line, he raised his hand and put it on top of yours.

You stopped rubbing his head and chuckled, you removed your hand from his now messy blonde hair and put it back in your pocket "Oh! By the way, you wanna hang out with me? We can go to othermart and chill at the park if you want" You suggested, Basil fixed his hair and looked to the side avoiding eye contact with you.

"Uh.. sure, let me go change into new clothes first" he said looking down as his perfectly tidy clothes. You nodded and shrugged "Sure go ahead, I'll wait for you out here" You said opening the can of strawberry lemonade and taking a sip from it.

Basil closed the door and put down the can before using both of his hands to cover his completely flushed face. He didn't actually need to change his clothes he just needed an excuse to calm himself down before he fainted from his growing feelings.

Polly looked over at him from the kitchen and smiled putting a hand over her mouth, she's never seen Basil like this before. In her year of looking after him she's never seen Basil catch feelings for anyone before.

He always look gloomy and barely left the house up until recent, Basil was starting to look happy again. She was happy he met you...

She went beside the love struck boy and put a hand on his shoulder "You shouldn't keep a friend waiting, go and get ready" Polly said with a loving smile. Basil removed his hand from his face and nodded, Polly patted his back as he retreated into the bathroom where he washed his face with cold water.

He looked at his face in the mirror and stared at his redden face, he put his hand on his cheek where you held him and tightened his lips. His heart was basically pounding out of his chest at this point, his face only grew brighter once he figured out he was falling for you.

He found you beautiful despite your imperfections, you could make his day brighter by just smiling at him, you came to his rescue twice already and your ability to accept him as your friend despite what you witnessed him do 4 years ago...


Did you feel the same about him..?

(look at me coming in with the double upload)

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