🌿Chapter 31🌿

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After cleaning Basils wounds, you laid on your bed while Basil sat beside you.

He was humming a tune while doodling in the empty journal you had. You sat up and put your head on his shoulder "Whatchu drawing Sunshine?" you asked him.

He flinched and shut the book, his eyes darted to you, more surprised by the nickname than you peeking over him "S-sunshine?" he asked.

"Yeah! Sunshine! Can i see what you're drawing?" You asked wrapping your arms around his waist, basically hugging him from behind. Basil's face flushed a bright red "P-promise you wont make fun of me?" he asked.

You hummed in agreement, Basil nodded and slowly opened the book up to the page he drew on. It was you, smiling with a flower crown ontop of your head. Lilacs drawn around you, neatly sealing the drawing in a frame of flowers.

"What?! Basil this is amazing!!" You exclaimed, grabbing the book from his hands and looking closer at the drawing. Basil's face reddened even more if it was possible "You really think so?" he asked in a hushed tone.

You nodded, stars basically appearing in your eyes "You have amazing skills! This is so nice!" you complimented, making the blond cover up his growing smile.

"T-thank you, (Y/n)" he muttered, you looked over and him and laughed "You're so cute you know that?" you said tucking a stray piece of hair behind his ear.

"Basil, can you look at me?" You asked him.

Hesitantly, the blond put his hands down onto his lap and looked into your eyes. The loving look you gave him made Basil nervous and look down onto his lap.

You smiled and put your finger under his chin and lifted up his face to look at you "You know i love you so much right?"

Basil, surprised by the sudden affection, just gulped and nodded.

"Forget that and I'll beat your ass" you said lightly slapping his cheek before giving him back the journal and standing up.

You lifted your arms and stretched "Its getting late, we should sleep" you said flicking off the lights in your room. Basil nodded and closed the journal.

He set it on your bedside table as his eyes adjusted to the dark. You sat on the opposite side of the bed and unfolded your blanket "Oh uh.. I'll move" Basil said.

He scooted away from you, giving you more space on the bed. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, causing Basil to fall back and land on the bed with a ploof sound from the bedsheets.

Basil opened his eyes and saw his face inches away from yours "Ah! (Y/n) what are you doing?" He questioned in a flustered panic.

You gave him a confused look and raised an eyebrow "Sharing the bed duh? Theres plenty of space, you dont need to leave me so much" you retorted with a small pout.

Basil struggled to find words with his face so close to yours "I-i.... uhm... i just-... uh" he stammered before giving up and covering his face and curling up on your bed.

You held your hand to your mouth and let out a soft laugh, you covered Basil in the blanket and adjusted under it.

"I dont think we've ever slept in the same bed before, so this is a first" you said with a small smile. Basil removed his hands from his face and looked at you.

Both of your tired eyes meeting, he smiled back at you and nodded "Its kinda... nice" he admitted, seems like Basil was coming out of his shy shell a bit.

what a rare sight!

"I love you.." you said in a hushed tone before closing your eyes and falling asleep.

Basil, now being the only one awake, scooted closer to you.

Hesitantly wrapping an arm around you and putting his forehead on yours, he stared at your sleeping face for a bit. A small smile forming on his face, he gently placed a kiss on the tip of your nose before closing his eyes.

"I love you too..."

Life was good, you resolved things with Sunny and Basil. You felt at peace knowing Mari forgave you and you had someone to love.

The only thing holding you back was.. him

He wouldn't leave you alone, countless nights being spent under the blanket trying to rid him from your mind. The sickening crack of his neck filling your ears and the words he would whisper.

With Basil, he would dissappear but when you were alone he would come back. You hated it, you hated being alone.

Often you would find yourself clinging to Basil, tears brimming at your eyes fearing the moment he would leave you.

It was pathetic, how much you relied on Basil to keep you sane.

God... if only... if only you forgave him...



Im sorry

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