🌿Chapter 5🌿

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You nodded and closed the door after you and Basil left. The walk to your house was... awkward to say the least...

It was quiet, none of you were talking. The only noise heard was your footsteps and the sound of children laughing and playing. You looked down at your hand and poked the bandages "I didn't expect Aubrey to actually hit me" you said, breaking the silence.

Basil looked at your hands and nodded "I didn't expect it either... I've never seen her hit anyone with that before" he admitted rubbing his arm nervously, you sighed and put down your hand and looked over at Basil "Does Aubrey usually pick on you?" you asked him.

He nodded and smiled warily "Yeah.. but its usually not this bad, on good days they would just call me names or push me... but today she tried to take my camera" he said fiddling with his fingers.

You furrowed your eyebrows and stopped in front of your house bringing out your keys "Those dont sound like good days, im...sorry they put you through that" you apologized opening the door and stepping inside, Basil following your steps.

You offered him a seat on your couch and walked into your kitchen "You want tea?" you asked him, peeking your head into the living room.

"Its Earl Grey" you said walking back into the kitchen and opening a small glass jar with tea leaves inside, Basil smiled and nodded  "Sounds great"

You hummed and heated up some water for tea. While waiting, Basil looked at the plants in your house, most were either dead or wilting. Only a few were still alive, you went back to the living room and sat beside Basil "Sorry i cant offer you any food, i was gonna buy some today but i think i lost my money at the Park" you laughed awkwardly rubbing your hands together.

Basil looked at you worriedly as fiddled with his fingers "Where's your father? Isn't he.. supposed to be home?" he asked.

You shook your head and leaned back into the couch, you closed your eyes and sighed "No, I'm home alone for a few days, father went out for a business meeting" you muttered out, the kettle began whistling making you open your eyes and stand up.

"Teas ready" you smiled before walking to the kitchen to get the tea ready. You walked back to Basil holding a tea pot with two cups on a tray.

You set it down on the coffee table and poured the hot tea into the cups "If its too bitter there's sugar in that cup" you pointed over to the small shot glass filled with sugar.

Basil nodded and took the cup "Thank you, it smells great" he said taking a small sip from the tea. He hummed and smiled taking another sip from the cup "You seem to like it" you said sitting beside him once more taking your cup of tea.

He nodded and set it down on the table "Yeah its great, you have a nice house by the way" he complimented, trying to make idle chit chat as he put his hands on his lap.

You smiled and took a sip from your tea before setting it down on the table "Thanks my dad takes care of it" you said tapping your foot against the floor.

"The plants aren't doing so well though" you admitted looking over at a wilting plant "I lost my motivation to take care of them a few months ago" you said picking up your cup of tea and took a sip from it.

"Oh.. i see... w-well they're not completely dead yet! I can help you take care of them" he said trying to make you feel better about the plants you used to love so much. You looked at him and chuckled "You want to help me take care of them? You're too sweet" you put a hand to your mouth trying to hide your smile.

Basil turned his head away as a blush made its way to his cheeks "I-i mean, if you don't w-wanna..i c-can.. i mean.. " he said stumbling over his words. You laughed even harder seeing the flustered male blush and mess up his words "No no, you can help, i think i have some soil and stuff in the back yard" You gulped down  the rest of your tea and stood up.

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