🌿Chapter 35🌿

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"You're not a bad person you know?"

The voice said, you opened your eyes and made eye contact with you, same grey skin and monotone clothes.

They stood over you staring down at your figure, you chuckled and remained on the cold floor. The statement seemed like an obvious jab at your already shattered ego.

"Im serious, you're troubled, but thats not your fault" they replied.

"What if it is my fault?" you sat up and looked at the younger version of you "Everything bad thats happened to me could've been avoided if i.. y'know... did things better" Your reply staying in the air for a bit before your counter part sat in front of you.

It was quiet as you two sat in a oddly comfortable silence, you looked down at your hands then spoke up "Am i dead?" the words coming straight out, no nervousness or anything.

They shook their head "If you were dead, i wouldn't be the one youd be seeing" you hummed and looked around the plain white void. The grass and flowers grazing your skin as the wind gently blowed through them. The beautiful purple hyacinths dancing as a gentle wind blowed through the white void you were in.

"Is he here?" you asked, and once again they nodded "He has been waiting, quite a long time if i might add"

They stood up and held up their hand for you to grab, you grabbed their hand and stood up. Soon your counter part lead you through the meadow, holding your calloused hands with their soft ones. The flowers under you getting crushed as the two of you walked.

In the meadow, you saw what mimicked your fathers bedroom. The same bed, wirh the same bed sheets, the same desk with an old game console on it. A man sat on the edge of the bed flipping through the pages of a book.

The sound of the flowers getting crushed caught his ears and his old familiar eyes met yours.

They weren't the scary blood stained ones like you remembered, they were a beautiful green color. His skin no longer peeling off his face, it was back to the soft brown it used to be.

He smiled, a genuine smile.

"(Y/n), hey kiddo!"

The tears welled up in your eyes before you finally broke out into a sob. This wasn't the monster that haunted you, he wasnt scary, he didn't smile at you like he did now.

"Dad!" you yelled and ran into his open arms.

This was your father..

His arms were as welcoming as you remembered, warm and coffee scented.

"I didn't expect you here so soon kid, whats going on?" he asked, you sat you down next to him on the bed. He rubbed circles on your back as you cried into his shoulder "Im sorry.. I.... i missed you so much!" your grip tightening around the thin frame of the older man.

"Its okay pumpkin, cry it all out... i missed you too" He put his head on top of yours and whispered soft comforts to you.

"Im so sorry.. i should've.. i should've said something... if i did.. you'd still be here" you cried out, yet he chuckled and ran his fingers through your hair, running the knots down your hair and flattening it.

"Dont apologise, if anything, i should be the one apologising for... everything" hes voice getting softer as he felt his own tears falling from his eyes.

"I shouldn't have done that to you, it was cruel, i took away your childhood and.. i wish i could apologise more.." he muttered out.

His grip loosening before he pulled away to look at your face, he smiled and wiped away your tears "Its unforgiveable i know, but i just want you to know that i love you okay kiddo?" you put your hand over his and sniffed.

You looked up at him and smiled "Okay... i.. i love you too.."

He chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"No matter what, I'll always love you, be strong okay? Love someone with just as much love as i do you, got it? I know you and that Basil kid have something going" he laughed and winked.

You laughed and nodded "Got it, I'll... I'll do my best"

"Thats my kid, stay strong kiddo, i know its gonna hurt whem you wake up"

"Wait what-"


Basil was left restless, non stop worrying and pacing around in his room. God knows what you could be doing right now.

"Ok.. ok calm down Basil... just.. go check on them! Its gonna be fine.." he reassured himself before grabbing a green knitted jacket and heading outside.

The walk to your house was short due to him practically running his way there. He arrived at your door and cleared his throat, he knocked but as soon as his knuckles hit the wood the door opened with a ominous creek....

Dread soon followed as he stared into the dark house, he stepped in a sudden sense of PTSD flodding back into the blonde.

This was almost exactly as when he saw... the accident..

His breath shaky as he walked into the living room ".. (Y/n)..?" he called out.

No response.

He walked further in and saw a familiar pair of sneakers peeking out.. from the kitchen..

He gulped..


He walked towards the kitchen.

His eyes following up the body on the floor.

His eyes widened..

"(Y/n)!!!" he yelled, running to your side and kneeling beside you. Vomit pooled at your mouth and spilled onto the ground below you and your skin was as cold as ice.

"No no no!! Please wake up!! (Y/n)!!!" his yells waking up Kathryn and the surrounding neighbors.

Tears spilling out of his eyes like waterfalls, only now did he notice the white pills scattered on the floor. The kitchen was a mess, shattered glass and porcelain with condiments and food spilled everywhere.

Signs of struggle.

Kathryn came rushing down the stairs, still dressed in her pyjamas.

He looked at Basil before looking at the bdoy on the floor, She gasped and ran towards the two "What happened?!" she yelled worried for the child she cares so much for.

Basil choked back tears as he held your cokd hand in his, the world around him just felt so blurry... he couldn't hear Kathryn over his crying.

"Oh my god (y/n).. im so sorry.. im so so sorry..." Basil kept muttering apologies through his uneven breaths.

Soon Kel, Hero and their parents came in to help.

When they saw Basil next to your body they couldn't help but stand in shock.

Not again..


Why did this always have to happen..

Guess the teens really couldn't catch a break..

The ambulance alerted the city to another accident, its sirens blaring while the lights flashed in front of the house.

Soon the paramedics had to take you away from Basil, only Kathryn was allowed in the ambulance with you and Basil was left on the front step of your house, hesterically crying into his hands while Kel and Hero tried to comfort him.

He blamed himself..

He shouldn't have gotten mad..

He shouldn't have yelled at you..

He should have just talked to you about it..

Now you could be dying in that ambulance and Basil could do nothing to help.

The streets quieted as the ambulance left, Basil's uncontrollable sobbing filling the dark streets of the unfortunate city.

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