Chapter 20

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Raven Andrews

I immediately jumped out of bed the moment I heard the first beep of my alarm. I made sure I got plenty of sleep to wake up on time after the call I had received the day before. The call was from Vera, my potential new boss.

She called to inform me that I had a second interview.

Although she was a total 'b word' to me during the first interview, I was super stoked. When you're in desperate need of a job, you can't afford to be too picky. I also liked to take on new challenges. I wasn't going to let her intimidate me, or at least let her know that she did.

Once turning my alarm off, I thanked God for waking me up before skipping to the bathroom to shower. I was in such a good mood and I had no idea why. I was still technically unemployed, but I had a good feeling about today's interview.

After completing my daily hygiene routine, I got dressed into a nice business casual outfit. However, I made sure to stay away from the white. I also would be avoiding all beverages for the day until after the interview was over. I was determined to have everything go smoothly this time.

I wore a burnt orange shirt that buttoned up the front like the last, and long sleeves which I neatly rolled up to my elbow area. I then matched it with a pair of tan high waisted slacks and heels the same color of my shirt.

In addition, I packed a pair of flats in my purse for safe keeping, considering what happened last time. I then grabbed all of my things and left out the door on time. I headed straight for the office, not making any additional stops.

When I arrived, I actually found that I was early. I grinned, confidently strutting to her office. I took a deep breath before lightly knocking on her door. The entrance was glass, so she could easily see who it was. She looked at me, a look of shock waving over her face. Nonetheless, she motioning for me to come in.

I walked in with a smile as I went to stand by the chair in front of her desk like last time. She gave me an odd look, examining my attire before speaking up.

"You're early," she said in a nasty tone, as if it was a bad thing.

"Would you rather me be late?"

"Are you getting an attitude with me?"

"No ma'am," I quickly replied.

She looked at me skeptical before motioning me to take a seat.

"Please, sit."

"Thank you," I nodded before taking the offer which was more of a command.

Once doing so, I watched as she type something on her computer. It took her more than five minutes. I sat there quietly, waiting for her to finish. But I was beginning to grow impatient. After ten minutes of absolute silence, she eventually spoke again.

"You're hired," she blurted.

Taking a moment to comprehend what was just revealed to me, I sat there taken back by what to say. I was shocked, yet secretly jumping up and down inside. She gave me a stern look, waiting for my reply.

"Wow, thank you," I breathed.

For the first time ever, I saw her actually genuinely smile at me.

"You're welcome."

"So when do I start?" I asked.

I watched as she clicked something on her computer before standing up and replying.

"Follow me."

I stood up from my chair as well as I grabbed my things and followed. I had already switched out my heels for the flats. I sensed that we would be doing some walking.

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