Chapter 17

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Raven Andrews

The next day like I had informed Jasmine, was my interview for the job Tristan had told me about. Words couldn't even explain how nervous I was. Besides working for Rakim, I never had a real interview. I was always granted jobs on on the spot, or put on by someone who already works there.

Today was the real deal.

I looked at myself in the mirror, smoothing out my skirt at least 30 times. I have to make sure everything was in place and perfect. I wanted everything to go well. I was determined to get the job. After saying a quick prayer it was time to leave.

Jasmine was kind enough to leave behind some money before she went to work so I could fill my gas tank. The building was all the way down town. Considering the amount of gas that I already had, that alone was not going to get me to my destination.

I made sure to thank Jasmine for the money, and promised her that we would go out to eat, my treat, once the money started rolling in if I got the job.

After looking at myself one last time in the mirror, I grabbed the gas money, along with the rest of my things, then headed out. First, I made sure to stop at the nearest gas station to fill my tank. Normally I paid at the pump, but I went inside today so I could grab a quick coffee.

Right when I approached the counter to pay, some random man accidentally bumped me. This caused the top of the coffee to pop off. The drink then proceeded to spill all over me, ruining my white shirt and burning me. I groaned, knowing I had to go back to Jasmine's to change.

This would now make me late to my interview.

The man that accidentally bumped into me quickly apologized. The apology was sincere and I accepted it. I took a deep breath, not wanting to get too angry. I knew he didn't mean it. The man apologized a few more times before offering to pay for my gas and getting me another coffee.

I didn't want the coffee anymore, but I thanked him for paying for my gas. He apologized again before I finally headed out and back to my car to get back to Jasmine's.

I let out a sigh of frustration once I finally back at her house. It took me at least 20 minutes to find what I was now going to wear and get dressed. I didn't even rush to get through the interview I was already late.

When I arrived, my soon to be new boss sure was not happy.

The woman was Caucasian with horribly drawn on eyebrows. They were thin and very pointy. This did not help the fact that she had an attitude and a stank look on her face. She look to be in her late twenties. Although she looked intimidating I wanted to make a good first impression despite the fact that I was late.

"Hello," I greeted her with a nervous smile. "Sorry, coffee was spilled on -"

"I don't care, you're late," she snapped. "You was suppose to be here over an hour ago."

The woman looked strict and about business. She was obviously pissed off. I quickly shut up as I went to take a seat in the chair in front of her desk before she stopped me.

"I said," she spoke louder. "You're late. People who are late don't deserve to take a seat. You will stand or leave."

Was she serious? Standing in heels for a long period of time was not my cup of tea. I understood that I was late, but standing during the whole interview was a bit much. However, I needed the job so I decided to keep quiet.

I didn't want to seem unprofessional by taking off my heels so I decided to keep them on and patiently wait until she began to speak again.

"My name is Vera, but you will call me boss and nothing else. Is that understood?"

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