Chapter 14

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Crystal Collins

The next day I had a meeting with my therapist.

Not only were the sessions helping, but they were actually fun to attend believe it or not. By the day my problems were more easier to talk about. Yes, there was still a void, but it was becoming easier to cope with.

Thanks to Dr. Evans and Rakim himself for pushing me to get help,.

We didn't just talk about my problems though. Sometimes Dr. Evans spoke about himself and his family that he did have. Considering he didn't have children of his own. He often shared pictures of siblings and his parents.

He was an easy person to talk to, but I guess it was because it was his job - to talk to people. I was actually looking forward to today's meeting.

I badly needed to share with him the information that my mother shared with me during lunch yesterday. Just thinking about how long she kept it from me and how she was so nonchalant about it really bothered me. I wouldn't have expected that from my own mother.

Anyways, after showering and brushing my teeth, I threw on something presentable for today's session. Cameron was with Rakim of course, and they were busy having a boys day out to eat and at the movies. I wish I could have joined in on the fun, but I knew I had business to take care of.

Like always, we always started our sessions with a quote. Today's was "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." The quote was by Helen Keller.

The quote was inspirational, and actually filled a little of the void I had.

Although my baby girl was no longer here with me physically inside me, she was still in my heart. Despite never meeting her in person, I felt as if I had. God only chooses the best flowers to take back with him so I had to understand that everything was apart of his plan.

I would meet her one day soon.

After breaking down the quote and connecting it to my situation, we jumped straight into it.

"So how are you feeling today Ms. Collins?"

"More at peace, honestly," I smiled.

"That's good. That means progress is happening," he smiled.

"Yeah, thanks to you!"

"No, no. Don't thank me. Thank yourself."

"Why me?"

"You're the one who took the bold and brave move to seek help. You have to thank your own self to want to see better for yourself. You're very courageous Crystal."

"Thank you Dr. Evans," I smiled.

"So what's up? Everything is all on you today. Anything you want to talk about? Get off your chest?"

"Yes, actually," I admitted.

"Talk to me," he replied, placing his hands on top of the desk, interlocking his fingers together.

"So yesterday I had lunch with my mom. You know, normal conversation so we could catch up on things right?"

"Right," he nodded, following me.

"You know what she tells me after all these years I've been on this earth? You know what she finally tells me?"

"What's that?"

"That miscarriage runs in the family."

"Wow," he replied, taken back by the information. "How did you take it?"

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