Chapter 2

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[continuation of Chapter 1]

Rakim Mayers

Today was Crystal's first day with her therapist, and I was watching Cameron in the mean time. She told me their sessions would only last two hours, but she knew my son was free to stay with me whenever and how ever long he wants.

We sat in the house all day, playing video games and watching cartoons. I swear he knows ever word to every episode of Spongebob.  I then decided to make tacos for dinner, making sure to leave some for Crystal.

Shortly after I finished cooking the ground beef, there was a knock on the door. Just in time. After catching the door, she put her bag down on the coffee table, hugging a happy Cameron that went running into her arms.

"Mommy!" he cheered.

"Hey baby," she smiled, picking him up.

"How did your first day go?" I asked.

"Pretty good," she sighed with a smile. "We just got to know each other today. Nothing too deep just yet. "

"Male or female?"


I smirked as her mouth flew open with a questioning look on her face.

"What?" she chuckled.

I shook my head, changing the subject.

"You staying for dinner?"

"What you make?"


"Sure. I'll take a plate home."

"Why can't you stay here and eat it?"

"What's the big deal with me staying here?"

"I mean if you not in a rush, why not?'

"Where's your girlfriend? She not gone trip about me eating here?"

"She's no longer relevant," I rolled my eyes.

She raised her eyebrows, giving me a funny look before giving in.

"Alright. I guess I'll stay."

All three of us made our way to the kitchen as her and Cameron took a seat at the table. I put everything on mine with a hard taco shell, and Crystal wanted everything but sour cream on hers with Doritos to make a taco salad.

"Daddy," Cameron called.

"What's up?"

"Can I have a soft taco?"

"What you want on it?"


"You just want bread?" I asked with a laugh.

"No," he said in a obviously tone. "I want that too, duh."

He pointed to the ground beef.

"You want what?"

"The brown stuff you and mommy got."

"What's it called?"

"I dunno."

"It's called meat."

"Oh," he sighed.

"Say 'meat'."


"Now try it again. What do you want on your taco?"

"I want meat."

"Meat what?"

"I want meat please."

I gave him fist pound as I then made his taco. After handling him his plate, I poured us  some drinks. As soon as I sat down, there was another knock on the door. Crystal was the only person who I was expecting. Going to retrieve the door with an odd look on my face, I then rolled my eyes as it was nobody but Raven.

"I miss you," she cried.

"I can't say the same," I honestly replied.

"Can you just let me in so we can talk?"

"I'm kind of busy."

"What, you got a new bitch to replace me already?" she asked loudly, causing Crystal to turn her attention towards us and the door.

She rolled her eyes with a sigh as she then got up from the table to discard her scraps and place her dishes in the sink.

"I'm spending time with my son actually."

"You're such a fucking liar. You know what, just forget I even came over here," she huffed, making her way off my porch.

I closed and locked the door behind her with another toll of my eyes. Okay. I then noticed Crystal grabbing her and Cameron things and getting him ready to leave.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Welp, that's my cue to leave."

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't even know," she sighed, seeming frustrated. "I'm just going to leave. Maybe I shouldn't be over here."

"You're fine. Don't mind her."

"I don't know if this is some type of prank or stunt, I don't know, but obviously she's relevant if she's at your door. I don't want to be in what ever is going on, so I'm just going to leave. Besides, I have another meeting tomorrow morning anyways. Thanks for the dinner, but I need to get going."

"Well can my son at least stay?"

"My mom already asked to keep him tomorrow. She hasn't seen him in a while."

I sighed, not being able to compete with that.

"Alright. Well I guess good luck on tomorrow's meeting."

"Thank you."

"Tell me how it goes."

"I certainly will."

"Bye daddy," Cameron yelled, hugging my waist.

"Bye dude," I laughed, picking him up to give him a hug back. "Be good for mommy and grandma tomorrow alright?"

"Ok. And then I can come back over?" he questioned excitedly.

"You have to ask your mom."

"Mommy can I come back over daddy's?"

"We'll see," she smiled.

"Ok," he pouted.

"What I tell you about that? Men don't pout."

He quickly fixed his face as he tucked his lip back in.

"That's better. Love you."

"I love you too daddy," he smiled.

I gave him a kiss on the forehead as I then handed him over to Crystal. She smiled, shaking her head at us as I went to open the door for them.

"Make it home safe."

"I will," she laughed.

I then closed and locked the door behind them as I sighed. I went to go and clean our mess from off the table, then washed and dried the dishes. It was time for me to hit the hay as well.

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