Chapter 38

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Rakim Mayers

Instead of shipping Cameron off to Quincey like we normally did, he was actually with a friend of Crystal's for the day. Chanel, who she had been knowing for years, had a son around the same age. The two of them had tickets for a live wrestling show and just so happened to have an extra one. Seeing if Cameron maybe wanted to go, it didn't take much convincing to get him hype and begging to.

Sending him off along with a few dollars, enough to cover him for food or keepsakes from the event, me and Crystal were now stuck on what to do for the day since we had it all to ourselves. I liked planning things for us to do but today I was obviously short on time and totally stumped on ideas. Asking Crystal, she came up with the thought of going to an art museum.

I personally have been to plenty in the past, but she however had never been to one before. I always promised her that we would go to one together one day, but we simply never got around to do so. But today we had no excuse to not finally go to one.

"Baby," I whined, dragging out the word dramatically.

I laid on the bed, waiting for her to hurry out of the bathroom.

"I'm coming," she yelled back from the other room.

"You said that five minutes ago," I groaned.

Receiving no reply, I sighed as I reached for my phone. I loved the fact that she cared about her appearance and took her time for not only herself but me, but she took entirely too long getting ready sometimes.

"How do I look," she announced, shutting off the bathroom light behind her. 

I suddenly looked up, greeted by the beauty of my amazingly gorgeous girlfriend. She spent hours on make-up she didn't need and styling her hair into the same exact do she had before, causing me to wonder what she did differently and why it took her so long, but I acknowledged and admired her effort.

"Damn baby girl. Who the fuck is you?" I licked my lips, eying her entire frame.

She rolled her eyes with a smile that she tried to hide from me as I laughed.

"You got a man or nah?" I continued.

"Yes," she blushed, playing along with me. "Sorry."

"I can't at least get the number?"

"I don't think he would be happy very about that."

I sucked my teeth, looking at her once more with a smirk.

"Well who ever has you is a lucky ass dude."

"You think so?" she questioned, making her way closer to me as I now sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hell fucking yeah."

I looked up at her. She stood hovered over me, snaking a hand behind my head while giving me a seductive look. I couldn't help but lick my lips again, nervously looking away.

"You better stop looking at me like that. I don't want your mans to come find me and beat me up or nothing."

Crystal instantly burst into laughter as I laughed too.

"No but for real, is my baby girl ready yet?" I frowned.

She gave me a small smile before planting a nice and juicy kiss upon my lips.

"Yes, she's ready."

She then grabbed my hand, along with her purse as she led me out of the bedroom so we could leave.


Shockingly, neither one of us had the appetite for a meal that very moment. Therefore, we agreed to have lunch together and save eating for later. I thought that by now Crystal would be having her weird pregnancy cravings but I guess I had thought wrong. So far, she's been sticking to her normal eating habits and doing well.

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