Chapter 4

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Rakim Mayers

"Come on Cam, get up," I ordered, attempting to wake up my sound asleep son.

The television set that stood in his room at my house was currently on Nickelodeon. It was playing a rerun episode of George Lopez, but the last thing Cameron was probably watching was Spongebob.

I turned off the t.v as I tried again, shaking his leg with each word.

"Aye dude, get up."






I smiled as I knew what would wake him up. I tickled him as he instantly began squirming around the bed. He laughed hysterically as he he tried to kick me off of him.

"Daddy. Daddy. Stoooop," he giggled in between words.

"Then get up dude," I laughed.

"Okaaaay," he laughed. "I'm up. I'm up."

"That's what I thought," I smiled. "Punk."

I ran out of his room, and into the bathroom, leaving him no choice but to follow me.

"Hey, who you calling a punk? Banana head," he replied, sticking out his tongue.

"Cheese head brown pants," I stuck out my tongue back, referring to the name Spongebob was given in the Spongebob Movie where he hit his head and lost his memory.

We had watched it together probably a million times.

"Idiot boy," he fired back with a laugh.

"Booger face."

"Doo doo brain."

"Chicken nugget."

"French fry."

I pretended to be shocked as a goofy grin formed on his face.

"Ohhh served," he added, folding his arms as if he was a boss.

I pretended to cry as he laughed. Kids are assholes.

"Ok, game over. Now get your funky booty self in the tub. Now I win."

"Nuh hun, you the bigger funky bootier. Booty scratcher!" he called, doing some sort of african calling noise with his mouth.

It was a noise Patrick from Spongebob usually made.

"Dang that hurt. Okay, okay you win."

He stuck his tongue out one last time before stripping and finally jumping into the tub to wash up.

Once he was finished, it was time to start my day. I was watching cam for the day while Crystal at another session with her therapist, but I of course didn't mind. I had another interview to attend today, luckily with a male. Cam had been with me to work once before, so there was no problem.

After getting both of us dressed and in the car, I bought him McDonald's, then made it to the studio shortly after. There was a Mickey D's close to the studio the interview was at, so I went to that one. I figured doing my interview, he could be occupied with his food and whatever toy they handed out now days.

"So what's been up with you my man?" the interview asked, shaking up with me. "I see you got some new golds in your mouth since the last time."

"Yeah, you know," I laughed, smiling into the camera.

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