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Dear Dr. Evans,

It's Crystal.

I promised that I would always keep in touch - and a promise is a promise right? How have you been doing? What have you been up to as of lately? I hope all is well. But I'm sure you're probably wondering the same thing. Well, I've been doing good. Great, actually. All thanks to you. Ever since the therapy sessions, I can't seem to thank you enough. For everything that you do.

Since then, I've been doing much better and I'm happier than I've ever been. I finally feel as if the pieces in my life are coming together. Cameron has been doing good, still the same goofy kid I fell in love with when I gave birth to him. As for me and his father? We've been great. We still have our fair share ups and owns and disagreements but we're both human and it's only normal. The most important thing however is the fact that he's trying. Effort is all I ask for.

He even surprised me with a promise ring! He threw a huge surprise party for my birthday and purchased tickets for us to take a three week trip to Jamaica. I meant to write you back while there but I got too wrapped up in the fun and relaxing. I'm sorry. And I would have wrote sooner but I've been extremely busy as of lately. But I did get your letter and the card that you sent me! It didn't come until the next day but I do appreciate it.

But guess what? Remember when I talked to you about me wanting to try again for a second child? Well, it happened! And yes, it was between me and Rakim - which I'm very happy about. But the twist is that it wasn't planned. It was totally unexpected. However, I wouldn't trade my second one for the world. I can't wait for you to meet my newest baby! But speaking of her, here she comes running into the room now. Apparently, I have motherly duties to get back to.

Talk to you later! I'll be awaiting your response. I promise to write back soon. But again, thank you for all that you do. Much love.

- Your favorite patient that you no longer have but will have in your heart,


"Baby," Rakim whined, running into the room behind her. "She's been crying for you for the past five minutes."

"Alright, alright. Here I come," I chuckled.

Folding the letter up and sticking it into the envelope, I licked it shut before tossing it to the side to mail later. I then picked up my daughter as I gave her a kiss which instantly got her to stop crying.

"Such a big baby," I shook my head at her.

As if she actually understood me, she giggled. She was so spoiled. And it was equally me and Rakim's fault.

"I'm a big baby too! I deserve a kiss too!" the biggest baby of them all whined.

Giving him a look while cocking my head to the side, it was actually true. I sucked my teeth before giving him a kiss.

"Um, hello," Cameron waved. "I'm a baby too!"

"You all are my babies."

Cameron was pretty big but I manged to pick him up in my other arm to give him a kiss as well before putting him back down.

"Thank you," he sighed with an attitude as if he was now satisfied. "Now can we go eat? I'm hungry. And I helped daddy make it so I think I deserve to get the first plate."

Before me or Rakim could even argue back, he ran out of the room and down the stairs.

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