Chapter 28

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Crystal Collins

As we all know, I'm definitely not a morning person, but, for some reason, I found myself up earlier than usual. I wiped the crust from out the corner of my eyes as I stretched and let out a yawn. I quickly glanced over to the other side of the bed to see Rakim still sound asleep.

He was facing the opposite direction, curled up into a little ball. He slept so perfect, it was almost unreal. You would expect for a man to be a wild sleeper, snoring all through the night, but nope, not him. He slept like a baby.

A small smile spread across my face as I quietly climbed out of bed, careful not to startle him in any way. Making my way to the bathroom, I began to start my day. I jumped in the shower and brushed my teeth, then threw on one of his old shirts and a pair of sweats.

I didn't bother doing anything to my hair or applying any make-up because I simply didn't have any plans for the day.

Grabbing my cellphone from off of the charger, I crept downstairs and into the kitchen. Considering Rakim was always the sweet one, preparing breakfast in bed for me, the least I could do was show my appreciation and return the favor. In addition, I knew Cameron would come running down the stairs soon, claiming to be dying of hunger.

Deciding to steer away from the traditional pancakes and eggs that we were all too familiar with, I found me everything I needed to make omelets. It had been a while since I had one, and my mouth watered just by the thought of one.

Remembering what all Rakim and Cameron both liked on theirs, I got to work. I made all of us two, a total of six omelets, along with some toast. I was quite hungry, and the boys both could eat like two grown men.

By the time I was finished, Cameron came running down to the kitchen, just like I expected. It was almost like his body knew to wake up to the smell of food. Once giving him a plate and pouring him a glass of orange juice, I did the same for me and Rakim.

Cameron sat at the table to eat, turning the television to cartoons, as I headed upstairs to join Rakim again.

Surprisingly, he was still sleep like a baby. I sat the tray of food and drink glasses down on the night stand before thinking of a way to wake him without alarming him too much. Knowing that he loved to have his ears played with, I snaked a hand around one as I gently gave them a massage.

Pretty soon, he let out a small breath before shifting positions. Deciding to massage the other one, he squirmed again before slowly opening up his eyes. Once adjusting to the light, realizing what was going on, he groaned as he placed his hands over his face.

"Shit," he breathed.

"Wake up sleepy head," I smiled, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Usually I'm up before you. How long I've been sleep?" he replied, wiping his eyes.

"Not that long, I just made breakfast."

He blinked a few times before looking over at the tray of food. He then looked back at me before smiling.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. The least I could do was return the favor right?"

"Although you didn't have to, I appreciate it. Those omelets look pretty damn good and that ear massage was something decent too."

"I try," I shrugged with a small laugh.

He laughed too as I handed him a plate before grabbing mine and taking a seat next to him on the bed. We enjoyed our breakfast in silence as he wasn't much of a talker in the morning, especially when it came to food. Once he was finished, he thanked be again before proceeding to get up and hop in the shower.

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