Chapter 6

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Raven Andrews

After practically harassing Rakim to text me the information regarding the storage place my stuff was stored in, he finally did.

I really didn't want to be a burden on Jasmine, knowing she would prefer her own space, but I didn't have any where else to go. Once getting settled in, I would try to look for a job and help her with the bills. That's the least I could do.

Jasmine was free today, so she decided she would help me move my things in, then later we would go shopping. I still had a decent amount of money left, and shopping would definitely lift my spirits right about now.

It took us no time at all hauling my things from the storage place and to Jasmine's house. Taking only three trips, we were done before we knew it. All I really had was clothes and shoes, along with a few small items.

I felt as if some of my things were missing, but I would save that argument with Rakim for another day.

Once we were done moving things, we went to Maggiano's for lunch. I still had money, but not nearly enough to even buy a meal. Jasmine understood, and treated. It was an expensive restaurant so I couldn't thank her enough, and made a mental note to pay her back once I go the money.

After lunch, to the mall we went. Lord knows I didn't need anything, but I couldn't resist all the sales. In fact, I saw the cutest pair of knee boots for only $15 as soon as we walked through the entrance.

Once finding the shoes in my size, I grabbed the box, then made my way to the register. There was only one line open, but the line wasn't that long. I was the fourth person.

Once the three people in front of me were done paying for their things, I placed my box of shoes on the counter, getting out my billfold. As the cashier announced what my total was, I grabbed a twenty to pay, but someone from behind me stopped me and paid instead.

The cashier looked at me awkwardly as she took the money. Turning around to see who it was, it was Tristan. Shocked, considering how he treated me last time we were together,  I rolled my eyes.

Jasmine looked at me weirdly as she mouthed 'who is he?' Brushing it off, not wanting to explain, I grabbed my bag, and dryly thanked him. I then attempted to leave, but he stopped me once again, grabbing my arm.

"What?" I sighed.

"Look, I just want to apologize for the way that I acted that day."

"It's fine," I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"No it's not."

"It was my fault. I -"

"But I didn't stop to put myself in your shoes," he cut me off. "I sense that you're going through a rough time right now and could probably need someone."

Raven looked at him crazy as she butted in before I stopped her.

"Um excuse me, but she already has me. If -"

"Jas stop," I stopped her.

She then look at me crazy as Tristan continued.

"I'm not that type of person," he finished. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did, so I apologize."

I looked at him for a moment, not really knowing exactly what to say. Apparently Jasmine did though.

"Girl if you don't accept this random nigga apology so we can leave."

I paused again before rolling my eyes with a sigh.

"I accept your apology."

"Thank you," he smiled. "Let me make it up to you with dinner."

Considering I had boxes I needed to unpack at Jasmine's house, we was suppose to be spending the full day together, and I had some explaining to do - I couldn't accept his offer.

"I'm sort of busy tonight," I apologized.

"It's fine. What about tomorrow night?" he asked, trying again.

"I'm free," I smiled.

"Perfect. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay," I lightly smiled.

Jasmine then quickly pulled me away as I felt him behind me still staring. I sighed, not even knowing where to start.

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