Chapter 21

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Raven Andrews

Today was the big day. My first official day on the job. After reading through the informational packet last night once more, I began to grow nervous. Realizing my required tasks for the position was enough to make me tense.

My tasks included: answering phone calls and taking messages, filing and organizing information, typing, word processing, operating equipment such as copiers and fax machines, as well as running errands.

It wasn't that I didn't know how to do those things, because I did, I did all of those things while working as an assistant for Rakim. It was just that I knew Vera would be a hard person to please. I knew if I got one little detail wrong she would turn up on me.

As far as dress code, I was required to wear black slacks, and white button-up shirts tucked in. For shoes, I had to wear black flats. My hair must be pulled back into a ponytail at all times, and the only jewelry I was allowed to wear were small studs in my ears and/or a wedding ring.

I clearly wasn't married or engaged, so I had nothing to worry about, but that also meant I couldn't wear my favorite necklace. However, I guess I would just have to suck it up if I wanted a job.

After getting dressed and ready for the day, I packed my leftovers from Cheeseburger in Paradise last night to take for lunch. I then grabbed my purse, cell phone, and keys, then headed out the door.

Once arriving downtown, I found a parking spot on the fourth floor of the parking garage, located behind the building. I then took the elevator back down to the main street, and walked the rest of the way. There was a big, garden-like area between the garage and the office tower that I had to walk through to get there.

There were a few people enjoying a sack meal along the fountain, and others conversing on their cellphones while sitting on a park bench. The people by the fountain wore casual clothes while the people on their phone's were dressed in business attire like myself.

After walking past, I continued on towards the main entrance of the building, making my way inside and up to the floor Vera's office was located on. Finally, I then arrived, on time, to her office to start my first day.

"Good morning," she greeted me with a smile once noticing that I had walked in the room.

"Good morning," I smiled back.

"Ready for your first day?"

"Yes ma'am," I nodded.

"Do you have the information you were required to fill out?"

"Yes ma'am I do."

I suddenly retrieved the packet from out of my purse before heading it over to her.

"Did you read through the rest of the packet?" she asked as she tore off the pages with my information.

"Yes ma'am."

"So you're aware of the duties that are expected of you on this job?"

"Yes ma'am."

She nodded as she looked over my papers.

"Well, Raven," she started. "I always start my mornings off with some Starbucks. You can retrieve that for me as your first task."

"Okay," I nodded.

I watched as she dug into her purse for her wallet. She then handed me a twenty dollar bill before closing and putting it back. I grabbed a notepad and pen that I brought with me from out of my bag to take note of what she wanted.

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