Chapter 26

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Crystal Collins

I found myself smiling from ear to ear when I woke up the next morning. I was instantly in a good mood, yet I couldn't really explain why. It was a weird feeling, actually. Compared to the person I was before therapy, and the person I am now, in addition to the fact that I'm not a morning person, I was shocked if I must say so myself.

Today was the day.

I had my last therapy session with my therapist today, and I think that was the reason why I was so ecstatic. I wasn't happy that this small chapter of my life was coming to an end, but because I was proud. Proud of myself to be exact. If it wasn't for Rakim, therapy wouldn't have even been thought of. For the longest I denied the fact that I needed help, but I'm glad that I finally accepted that I did, and I got the help that I needed. Not only do I give credit to Rakim, but to my therapist himself. I can only image how hard it was putting up with me during this whole process. I know I was a mess when we first started, but thanks to him, I'm a better person.

I felt as if it was only right to repay him in some way.

However, I didn't know what to get Dr. Evans as a thank you gift. I spent hours thinking of what to get him, only to come up with nothing. Of course I thought of a card or a gift card to a favorite place of his, but quickly shut the idea down. Everything he had did for me was worth way more than just some lousy gift I could easily pick up at the store. After thinking of how to repay him in a way that wasn't able to purchased, yet included thought, I came up with the perfect thing. I retrieved one of Rakim's notebooks, a pen, then wrote a heartfelt letter, thanking Dr. Evans for everything.

And just because, I decided that it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to slide it into a nice card, along with a gift card to one of his favorite stores.

After jumping out of bed, I decided to get my day started. I woke up to a surprisingly quiet house, but thought nothing of it, figuring that the boys were still asleep. I hopped into the shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed into a nice outfit that reflected my mood. I then proceeded to fix my hair up into a sleek bun that took me five times to get 'just right', and grab my purse, along with my cell phone which sat on the charger over night.

I swung by Cameron's room to see if the two of them may have been sleep, but there was no sign of them there. They weren't downstairs either. I shrugged it off, making my way out the front door and to my car, but just as I hopped into the driver seat, my cellphone dinged, indicating that I had a new notification. Once looking at the screen, I saw that it was a text from Rakim himself.

Good morning gorgeous. I hope you have a good last day with your therapist. I can't wait until it's over so we can go out and celebrate tonight. Just you and me. Don't even worry about a babysitter for Cam, or where we're going, I have it all taken care of. Just relax and enjoy your day today. I love you. (P.S. me and Cam are out shopping for you. Stop worrying.)

I couldn't help but smile at the text as I read it to myself.

As of lately, he had been doing cute and thoughtful things for me, even when I least expected it - like now. However, Rakim has always been a romantic and thoughtful person. He always knew how to put a smile on my face, no matter how big or small the act would be. I couldn't wait to see him later that night and to see what he had up his sleeve for me.

Knowing him, it would be something outrageous.

Once arriving at the facility, I went straight back to Dr. Evan's office. I was a little early, but I knew he wouldn't mind. I had been early plenty of times before in the past and he would always just be finishing up his breakfast, waiting until it was time for us to start. He would faithfully have a classic Cinnabon roll for breakfast, playing faint upbeat music to set the mood. After finally reaching his office, I found him of course, chowing down on a cinnamon roll, and playing "Happy" by Pharrell.

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