Chapter 5

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Rakim Mayers

After Marc, my new manager, spilled the beans on Sylvia, I didn't know how to react. I replied with a polite 'Oh, well nice meeting you. I've gotta go.', grabbed Cameron, then was out. The interviewer wanted to still do the segment with him, but I told him we would do it some other day.

Just like that, today wasn't the day and I felt like spazzing on everyone.

Once back home, Cam wanted me to play one of his video games with him, but I couldn't. I simply told him daddy didn't feel good, as I went to lay down. Instead of playing his game, he insisted on making me feel better by giving me a hug.

Eventually, he fell asleep in my arms as we fell asleep together. Having my son in my arms made me feel a little better, but it didn't help the fact that we were still living in reality.

Sylvia, a second mother to me, had leukemia, and there was nothing that I could do about it.

After Crystal's therapy session was over, she stopped by to pick up Cam. She interrupted my sleep of course, but she made sure to apologize. No further words were exchanged, figuring she would let me get back to my sleep and privacy.

Because of the nap I took, and the fact that I was still shaken up by the news, I couldn't sleep. I called her probably a million times searching for answers but I was sent to voicemail every time.

This shit couldn't be happening. Why Sylvia?

Sylvia was the last person who deserved something so terrible. Yeah, we have our disagreements, but who doesn't with their manager or boss? At the end of the day, she looked out for me and cared for me and I did the same.

After waking up from the five minutes or so of sleep that I did go, my mind instantly went to her. I decided to call her one more time, not giving up until she answered. Luckily she did.

"What boy?" she answered with a cough.

Startled by the fact that she actually picked up and I heard her voice, I couldn't bring myself to reply.


"Sylvia?" I finally brought myself to say.

"That's my name ain't it?"


"Why what boy? Ask my mama why that's- "

"No, why didn't you tell me," I asked, cutting her off.

There was silence on the other end as she sighed.



She sighed again.

"Rakim I didn't want to scare or worry you."

"But I'd rather find out from you than some nigga I don't even know!" I screamed, feeling tears well up in the back of my eyes.

"You need to watch your tone."

I took a deep breath, causing silence to form between us again before she spoke up.

"Look, I know you're upset, but I will be just fine."

"You don't know that."

"God got me Rakim. There's nothing that he can't do. If I'm not worried you shouldn't be either."

"Sylvia I can't lose you," I admitted.

"You won't," she replied, not sounding so sure herself. "What ever happens, I'll always be here. Spiritually."


"I promise boy. Now look, I'm at the doctor's office now. I have to go."

Always have to go Rakim thought to himself.

"Alright," I sighed.



"I love you," she stated with sincerity in her voice.

"I love you too Sylvia."

There was a tad bit of silence before she ended the call, leaving me on a dead line. I sighed, placing my phone down beside me as I thought what now.

As if on cue, my phone started ringing again.

"Hello?" I answered, not bothering to look at the caller i.d to see who it was.

"Damn homie what's wrong with you? You sound like a depressed little bitch," the person on the other end joked.

It was Q.

"Bro you good?" he asked again after I didn't reply.

"No," I replied honestly.

"Whatever you need yo, I got it. Whether it's money or some weed or putting in work, fuck it, then I'm riding."

I smiled to myself, shaking my head. When he actually got serious, I knew I could always count on him. No matter what I needed.

"It's nothing serious bro. But thankyou."

"Nothing serious? You sound like you ready to spray rounds on niggas. What's up? I know ain't nothing happened to my nephew."

"Na, Cameron is good," replied. "It's Sylvia."

"Yo manager right?"


"What happened?"

"She got leukemia and now I got some white nigga as my manager."

"Damn," he sighed. "That's fucked up."

"Right. She don't even deserve that shit yo."

"But bad things always happen to good people. It's life," he replied. "Keep ya head up though, alright?"

"I'll try."

"What you on today?"

"Not shit."

"Let's do lunch or something. I ain't got Joy and a nigga hungry and bored as shit."

"Sounds coo. Where we meeting?"

"What you got a taste for?"

"Nigga I don't know!"

"Shit. Meet me at Friday's in two hours," Q stated.

"Fine," I laughed, hanging up the phone as I decided to get ready.


a.n. | sort of a filler chapter

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