Chapter 37

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Rakim Mayers

From the very beginning, I've never been too fond of Crystal's mother. However, for the sake of me wanting to spend the rest of my life with her daughter, I tolerated her. No one was going to keep me away from Crystal, not even her own mother. But sometimes, I wished I was accepted into her family like she was accepted into mine.

I didn't want to go to her house in the first place, but I refrained from being petty. She was Crystal's mother, Cameron's grandmother, and my mother-in-law. Crystal rarely went to see her anyways so I figured, why not?

She didn't have to like me, but she had to at least respect me.

The entire night before they snuck off and had their private conversation, I felt disrespected. From the funny looks, to what she had to say about how I handled my own son, the last place I wanted to be was in her home. I sort of wished we had the dinner at our house, that way, we could run things how we chose to do so underneath our own roof. But since it was reversed, I had to abide by her rules, and keep my mouth shut for the sake of Crystal.

Before the two of them even left out the room, I figured something was up. The funny looks that were exchanged between the two, to talking in codes, I felt left out of the loop. When they returned, you could tell by the look on their faces that they had just finished talked about something along the lines of me.

Crystal was hiding something, but her mother was eager to tell me. I'm happy she did, however, I was still tipped off. I wondered why she hid the news from me, and when she planned on telling me, if she even had intentions to. But it wasn't until later that night did I find out her reasoning for keeping it secret.

After storming out, Crystal didn't hesitate to follow behind me. Not knowing how to feel about the sudden news that wasn't expressed by Crystal herself, I wanted to be left alone to think. I needed to process all of the information that I had just received. I snapped on her, which I later regretted, but once she returned inside the house, waiting for Cameron to finish eating before ending things, the two joined me back inside the car, ready to go home.

The entire car ride back, we sat in utter silence. Upon arriving, Crystal went straight to her room as I went to tuck Cameron into the bed. Once we both were done getting ready for bed, we tackled the conversation that we both knew we needed to have.

She started by first apologizing for what all that went down at her mother's and having me find out the way I did. Questioning why she didn't just tell me herself, she admitted that she was afraid. Afraid of getting her hopes up. She didn't want to grow excited, just to go through what she had just recovered from. She wanted to be sure first, but couldn't help but tell someone.

Telling her mother, she realized that she never should have because it landed her into an even bigger situation that we were now in.

I understood her reasoning for keeping it secret, but if things were going to work out between us again, she couldn't be keeping information from me. Apologizing once more, I forgave her before asking a question that completely changed her mood. Although I trusted her, I still thought that asking if the child was mine or not was a valid and relevant question.

Looking at me as if she had been slapped in the face, she couldn't believe what I had just asked her. I told her not to take the question personal, but of course she did.

"What? Do I need to have you tested to prove you're the father?" she roared.

"No, I trust you," I reassured her.

"So then why would you ask me some stupid shit like that Rakim?"

"It was still a question that I felt needed to be answered. You can't just have niggas out here assuming."

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