Chapter 32

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Crystal Collins

Before opening my eyes to the sun shining bright through my bedroom window, I rolled over and felt around the bed in hopes of Rakim being next to me. Not feeling something - or someone, I opened my eyes to see him gone. Figuring he was probably downstairs making breakfast like I was yesterday, I shrugged as I climbed out of bed.

After brushing my teeth and hopping into the shower, I threw on one of his too big shirts and a pair of his basketball shorts before heading downstairs. However, when I got there, he was no where to be found. The kitchen and living room both were exactly how we left them yesterday.

Considering Cameron was over Quincey's, I knew for a fact that Rakim wouldn't be in his room. Going back to mine, I grabbed my cellphone - only to find a text from no one other than Rakim himself.

Hey baby, I had to leave early last minute to handle some business with Marc. I don't know what time I'll be done with everything but I promise I'll make it up to you later tonight. I left some money for you underneath the pillow. It's not much, but go out and treat yourself like the queen you are. Love you.

I smiled as I reread the text.

It was the little things he did that made me happy. I was upset that he wasn't physically here with me, but I guess I couldn't be too upset. Once looking under the pillow, I found 8 crisp 100 dollar bills. To him it wasn't much, but I couldn't help but look at the money in shock.

I could do a lot with 800 dollars in one day. I guess I would be coming home with more shopping bags that I can hold, my nails done, and my eyebrows arched - thanks to Rakim who never failed to amaze me.

Every day with him is something new and I fall in love with him even more.

After changing my attire and actually getting dressed for the day, I couldn't help but continue staring at the text message he had sent me. Considering how good our days together have been lately, it seemed a little too good to be true. I wondered if he was really out handling business like he said he was or if he was out doing something else.

Quickly putting the thoughts out of my mind, I knew he wouldn't have left the money for no reason. And I knew for a fact the he loved me like he says he does. I just needed to take a deep breath and appreciate how good of a guy he is instead of trying to find something wrong.

I'm still learning.

Once grabbing the money, along with my cellphone and keys, I threw them into my purse and headed out. My first stop was to get something to eat for breakfast. I hated going out to eat alone, but I guess spending some time by myself wouldn't hurt just this one day.

I earned a few stares from old couples and people my age or a little older with families, but I tried to ignore them. It was weird being out by myself, especially at a table set for two, but I knew Rakim would be here if he could be.

"Hi, my name is Carlos and I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

You would think that with a name like Carlos he would be Mexican or Latino, (at least all the Carlos's I've ever came across have been) but he was surprisingly African American - or at least looked to be.

As if he read my mind, he answered my thoughts.

"Yeah, a black guy with the name Carlos," he chuckled.

"That's different though. I like it," I laughed as well. "But I'll take a water no lemon."

"Alrighty," he nodded. "I'll be right back."

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