Chapter 9

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Rakim Mayers

After fixing up Crystal, I made her something to eat, then left. She probably didn't feel like talking about whatever was on her mind, so I gave her some space.

Once making my way back to the car, I found Cameron in the back seat crying. There was no telling what was going through his mind just a few seconds ago. I took a sigh before climbing in the back seat with him.

He buried his head in my chest, crying even harder.


"What's up dude?"

"I'm not going to be a big brother anymore - am I?"

I paused before thinking of how I should answer his question. There was no point in lying anymore. Our son wasn't stupid. He knew something was up.

"Cam," I started, "No, but there's always next time. You'll be a big brother one day, just not now."

That was most likely a lie, but I had to give him some type of hope. I had no idea where another child was going to come from. One was enough.

"What happened to the baby?"

"It died," I sighed, "but the baby is in a better place now Cam."

"Is the baby in heaven daddy?"

"Yes," I weakly smiled.

"I hope that when I die I go to heaven so I can meet the baby."

"Me too," I smiled. "Aye, look at me."

He looked up at me as I wiped his face.

"I love you, alright? Don't ever forget it."

"I love you too african booty scratcher," he giggled.

"Don't start this again," I laughed.

"Chicken!" he replied, making a chicken noise.

"Alright that's it," I laughed.

I began to tickle him as he then went into a laughing fit. He squirmed all over the place as I laughed harder. Priceless moments like these with my son is what I lived for.

Me and Cameron didn't have any plans for the rest of the day, so I decided to link up with Q like always. He had Joy, and was free as well. We decided to take the kids to game place as me and him talked about whatever crossed our mind.

"What's been up with you," Q asked, dapping me up.

"Everything," I sighed. "I'm stressed the fuck out."

"Talk to me fam. Didn't you say Crystal checked into counseling? Thought shit was suppose to be getting better."

"I mean yeah, but shit is still the same for the most part."

"How that's going?"

"Good, I guess. She's been more tolerable lately. She been dealing with some stuff in her  mind though."

"What you mean?"

"Me and Cam walked in on her hallucinating and shit earlier. He can't be around her like that. I'm worried."

"Damn. What happened?"

"She was on the kitchen floor with a whole bottle of Hennessy. Cam asked me what she was drinking and why she was crying. One thing led to another and now he knows that the baby is dead."

"The miscarried baby? Damn."

"Yeah. I had to fucking lie to him about how he'll be a big brother one day just not now."

"What you mean lie?"

"Nigga I'm not having another child and Crystal is too fucked up right now to probably even want to go through that again."

"True, but there's always adoption."

"Who the fuck raising the child?"

"Shit, I don't know. Do I look like I got all the answers?"

I chuckled as I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's just getting to be too much for Cam to be around. I'll be happy when this therapy shit finally start working."

"Yeah I feel you. So other than that, you straight?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "I mean I'm still breathing, not in the hospital, and I have my son. Can't complain too much."

"I know that's real," he chuckled.

"So enough of me, what about you?"

"As long as I got my daughter, I'm good. Nothing too much been happening lately."

"That's good."

"Yeah, but guess what."

"What's up?"

"That Raven chick who claimed to be so in love with you? She was just with some nigga the other day."

Quincey pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of her hugged up with some guy outside of a sushi place.

"That bitch don't even like sushi," I laughed with a shake of my head.

"She must not have loved you too much if she on to somebody new."

"Right," I chuckled. "But I'm not tripping. That's not ny bitch no more."

"These hos aint loyal," Quincey sang, suddenly climbing on top of the table we were sitting at as he continued singing.

Everyone around us turned their attention towards us as some even pulled out their cellphones.

"Ha, these hos aint loyal," he clapped. "These hos aint loyaaaaal."

"Nigga if you don't get your black ass down!" I laughed hysterically, trying to pull him down.

"Fuck that bitch," he sang with a laugh, finally jumping off of the table.

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