Chapter 39

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Crystal Collins

Today officially meant that I was one year away from hitting my third decade in life. I would say that I was 29 years old but I liked the term "years young" better. I wasn't old, just grown - and I was only getting better.

Being greeted by the sun shining bright in my face, I stretched, along with letting out a yawn before wiping the crust out of my eyes. I then sat up as I looked around the room. Rakim wasn't there. I was a bit upset that he wasn't here to annoy me, considering it was my birthday, but I knew he was more than likely downstairs making my favorite breakfast for the occasion.

Climbing out of bed, I nearly skipped to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. Today was going to be a great one. I could feel it. Not just because it was my birthday but because I was alive and able to see another day as well. I had plenty of things to be thankful for. I had a fine ass man in my life who wasn't perfect but perfect for me, a ray of sunshine that I was happy to be a mother to and another healthy one growing inside me.

In addition to others, there was nothing but love and support from those around me. Nothing but great vibes. And I couldn't be happier. Finally, for the first time in my life, I felt as if everything in my life was slowly but surely coming together.

Once hopping out of my shower that was longer than usual, I proceeded to complete the rest of my morning routine as I turned on my 'happy music'. I had a long and exciting day ahead of me. A few weeks ago during our lunch date at the museum, Rakim told me that he would ensure that today would be perfect.

However, he never told me what he had in mind. He knew that I hated surprises but I was anxious to find out what he was keeping so secret.

It took me nearly two hours to curl my hair and apply my make-up for the day. There was no doubt about me feeling good about myself. The only thing left to do was to get dressed into the outfit that I had reserved for this special day. Today was my day and I had to dress the part. But I wasn't quite ready to put it on yet. It was still early.

Throwing on a pair of yoga pants I knew Rakim loved to see me in, along with one of his t-shirts, I left my bedroom, proceeding to make my way downstairs. Discovering no one there, not even a sign of him or Cameron previously being there, a bit of sadness washed over me. I knew they were probably out getting things together for me, at least I hoped they were but I wished they would have at least left a message if they weren't going to be here for the beginning of my day.

Thinking that Rakim probably left me a text message that I didn't look at, since I hadn't touched my cellphone at all yet, I quickly made my way back upstairs to retrieve it. To my surprise, there was nothing there either. Not even a text or call from anyone else. If anything I knew my own mother would wish me a happy birthday. But there was nothing. Nobody.

It was my birthday, right?

Feeling a bit unloved, considering there was nothing from anybody, I sat there for a while, keeping myself from being overly emotional and dramatic for no reason. Looking at the time, I noticed that it was only 9 o'clock. Maybe people were still sleep? But obviously Rakim wasn't if he wasn't here - and Cameron was more than likely with him.

Calling him, I listened to the ringing on the other end as I waited for him to pick up. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four. I sighed, hanging up the phone. I then decided to call Quincey. They were always together and if Rakim wasn't with him, or at least Cameron, I knew that he at least had an idea of his whereabouts.

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