Chapter 35

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Rakim Mayers

Time had passed and today was the day of Sylvia's funeral.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a while as I finished buttoning the buttons attached to the lower sleeve of my black tux. Through the glass, I could Crystal approaching from behind me before resting a hand on my shoulder. She was dressed in a simple, fitted, all black dress and heels the same color. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek pony tail and she wore light make up for the occasion.

"You look very nice baby," Crystal gave me a complement, rubbing my back in attempt to comfort me.

"Thank you," I sighed in a low tone.

"Are you ready?" she asked staring at the both of us through the mirror.

"Not really, but I have to be," I sighed again. "The viewing starts in a few minutes."

Crystal rubbed my back once more before planting a kiss on my cheek and helping me gather my things. Once we were ready to leave, the three of us hopped into car, Crystal being the designated driver.

Upon arriving at the venue that the viewing was being held at, I ran into many of Sylvia's family members, childhood friends, coworkers and many other people who knew and respected her presence while on Earth. To my knowledge, Quincey had business to take care of during the hours of the viewing, but him and Joy both would be in attendance for the funeral service.

In the mean time, I associated with others who attended the viewing, as well as send my condolences to the family. I signed the guest book, and last but not least, I took one of my last looks at Sylvia herself.

Crystal and Cameron decided to stay behind, giving me my time alone before letting someone else spend time with her. She looked so peaceful. It was good to know that she was in better a better place. But why did God have to take her from us so soon?

I felt a single tear welling up in my eyes as I lightly touched her hand before walking away before I completely lost it all over again.


Once the viewing hours had passed, the three of us attempted to grab a bite to eat before it was time to return for the funeral. However, the only one who was truly hungry was Cameron. He ordered a plate of chicken fingers and french fries as me and Crystal carelessly looked over the menu.

But despite not being hungry, Crystal settled on a cup of chili and forced me to eat something as well. Me and her both knew that I wasn't in the mood to eat, but I needed something in my system. Setting on queso dip with chips, along with a water, I closed the menu before handing it over to our waiter.

After eating up and paying for the bill, it was almost time for the funeral service to begin. Making our way back to the venue, we met a well dressed Quincey and Joy. The five of us took empty seats near the front as we quietly looked over the obituary. Soft, appropriate music for the occasion played through the room as it began to fill with more people.

You would think that everyone would know how to dress for the event, but apparently not.

A white family whom I had never seen before came dressed in plaid shirts and bootcut jeans. A black woman, whose shriveled up hair sat on top of her cheap looking weave, walked in wearing a skin tight dress that looked as if she was dressed to go to a night club - not a funeral.

All I could do was quietly chuckle to myself as I shook my head. The disrespect was mad real, but I knew that if Sylvia was able to, she would fry them for it.

The music that was once playing came to a soft end as the funeral service began to start. The pastor directing the event introduced himself before reading a short bible verse. He then shared a couple of words about Sylvia as he invited other up to do the same. Before so knew it, I found myself approaching the stand as I decided I would say a couple of words as well.

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