Chapter 31

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Rakim Mayers

I woke up thinking about what me, Crystal and Cameron could do for the day. I was tired of the same ol' going out for food or taking Cameron to the park. Then it hit me. He had been begging us two to go to the zoo for the longest.

And since Crystal got a family zoo pass from her therapist, everything worked out.

After showering and throwing something on, I went downstairs. I woke up to Crystal not in bed next to me and no sound coming from Cameron's room. Once downstairs, I found Cam in the living room watching cartoons and Crystal in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Cameron yelled loudly once noticing that I was in the room.

"Good morning dude," I replied.

I made my way over to where he sat on the couch as I picked him up and swung him in the air. He laughed hysterically, begging me to stop before I finally gave him a kiss and I did. Crystal was busy laughing at us as I turned around, asking her if she wanted some too.

"Please don't," she pleaded.

Not listening, I pulled her away from the stove and picked her up anyways as she began to scream.

"Stop, put me down!" she yelled, trying to hold in a laugh.

I was surprised that I could even pick her up! After letting her kick her feet a little while longer, I finally put her down as she didn't hesitate to give me a mean look.

"I love you," I laughed with a smile.

She rolled her eyes, beginning to continue making breakfast. Not getting a response, I reached to pull her away again as she began squirming.

"Okay, okay. I love you!"

"No you don't," I sucked my teeth.

"I do!" she cried. "I love you. I love you!"

I laughed as he she did too before giving me a mean look again.

"Can I finish breakfast now?"

"What are you making us?" I questioned, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"Biscuits and gravy with bacon bits and sausage links."

"Mhm. Sounds good. You smell god too."

"Thank you," she smiled.

"Daddy what are we doing today?" Cameron shouted from the other room.

"I don't know, what do you wanna do?"

"I really wanna go to Kings Island."

"Well we can't go to Kings Island today. Sorry dude."

"So what are we gonna do?" he whined.

"I don't know, I'll think of something."

"Kings Island is all that boy knows," Crystal shook her head.

"I know right. But I was actually thinking that we could go to the zoo today."

"That's actually a great idea," said Crystal. "I heard the weather is suppose to be nice, plus I still have the family pass that I got from Dr. Evans."

"Exactly. So the zoo it is?"

"I think so. Are you gonna invite Quincey and Joy? The pass is good for five people so it'll work out perfectly if they're able to come with us."

"Yeah. I'll call him after we eat breakfast to see what they're doing today."


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