Chapter 12

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Crystal Collins

I didn't have a meeting with my therapist today, so I decided to stay in the house with Cam. I could order a pizza for us two, and watch his favorite cartoons or movies with him.

One o'clock was the usual time I woke up, and of course when I did, I found Cameron already awoke. He was in his room watching recorded episodes of The Fairly Odd Parents.

After hopping in the shower and brushing my teeth, I threw on a too big shirt and some sweats to lounge around in. As I threw my hair up into a ponytail, my cellphone began to ring.

Once grabbing it, I saw on the caller i.d. that it was my good friend Chanel.

"Hello?" I answered, taking a seat down on my bed.

"Hey girl!"

"Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing much. Thought about you and thought i'd call. How have you been holding up?"

"Pretty well."

"Doing and feeling better?"

"Definitely. I'm not fully happy yet, but I'm working on it. I've been working on controlling my emotions better, and overall just striving everyday to be a better me," I smiled with a sigh.

"I know that's real. I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks," I chuckled. "But it's hard 'Nel. I have my days where I just want to break down and cry or I'm angry and bitter all over again."

"I understand. It's only normal. Even the happiest people have their days. You just have to keep moving forward and keep your head up boo."

"Thanks," I replied, taking in her advice. "But enough of me, what about you missy? What have you been up to?"

"Girl not a damn thing. Same ol same ol. Raising this bad little boy over here. Other than that everything is good."

"Well that's good."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"So what are you doing?"

"Later today I have some shopping for the house I need to get done after I pay a few bills but right now I'm being lazy and procrastinating by looking at celebrity gossip," she laughed.

"I should have know," I laughed too. "You and your gossip."

"It's actually some good tea on here today. Chris Brown apparently got dumped by that Karate Train girl."

"Karrueche Tran?" I laughed hysterically. 

"What ever that girl name is."

I shook my head with another laugh. I didn't even have a comment, nor did I actually care about those people lives.

"Hold on wait," she said in a shocked tone.

"What's up?" I asked, curious.

"You're on here."

"I am?"

Then I thought of Rakim. For some reason I wasn't so surprised anymore.

"Rocky apparently broke up with his assistant and they're starting some stuff talking about how they have pictures of y'all out to dinner. Do you need to speak on this?"

I rolled my eyes with a sigh, not really wanting to talk on my personal life and my own decisions.

"You do know that he's the one that pushed me to get therapy right?"

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