Chapter 22

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Jasmine Moore

The song 'Feeling Myself' by Nicki Minaj and Beyoncè played from my pink Beats Pill as I got out of the shower. Playing the song at the start of every day was a must so I could remind myself that I was the shit. Not that I needed to, but you get the point.

After wrapping myself into a towel, I brushed my teeth, then slicked my hair back into a ponytail for work. I then proceeded to get dressed in my uniform before heading downstairs to get a quick breakfast.

On my way to the kitchen however, something caught my eye.

It was a long ball gown, and it was laid neatly across the back of the couch. Raven sat in the chair next to it with her knees up to her chest while on the phone. I decided to keep my mouth closed until she was finished.

I got a container of chicken salad from out of the fridge along with a package of Ritz crackers and bottle of water, then took a seat on the counter as I waited. I knew exactly who she was on the phone with. Once noticing me, she smirked as she now felt as if she was being rushed to get off the phone. I shooed her away, letting her knew she could take her time.

She rolled her eyes, not listening.

"Well Tristan I'll talk to you later," she said into the phone.


"Ok. I had a good time too. Thank you again for everything. I truly appreciated it."


"Ok bye."

She smiled as she hung up the phone.

"So," I smiled, waiting for her to tell me everything that happened.

"So what?" she replied, pretending to be clueless.

"Bitch you know what. Tell me everything that happened."

"Oh my God," Raven closed her eyes as if she was reminiscing.

"The dick was that good? Damn."

"We didn't have sex, God," she laughed.

"Not yet," I said lowly, taking a sip of my water.


"Nothing," I smirked.

She shot me a look as I popped a cracker into my mouth.

"Anyways," she started before continuing. "Last night was perfect."

"Awn," I cooed. "So tell what all happened. I have time."

"Ok so first he picked me up, then he took me to get my nails and eyebrows done."

"Thank God cause you needed them bitches done."

Raven gave me a scowl as I smirked.

"You know I'm just playing with you Rae. Continue."

"Anyways," she sucked her teeth. "Afterwards, he took me to this place I didn't even know how to pronounce and oh my God."

"He laid the dick on you? See, I knew you were lying!"

"Can I finish my story," she huffed. "There was no dick involved. Horny ass."

I rolled my eyes, waiting for her to continue. You would think that sex was all I thought about, but it really wasn't. I just loved messing with her.

"Ok I quit," I laughed.

"You sure?"

"Yes Raven damn," I sighed, popping another cracker in my mouth once scooping up a decent amount of chicken salad on to it.

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