Chapter 23

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[ continuation of chapter 22 ]

Jasmine Moore

After clocking out, I immediately went home so I could tell Raven about what happened at work. Believe it or not, I actually still had the paper the guy wrote his number down on. I was debating on if I should actually call or not. However, I know if I didn't he would know exactly where to find me.

Decisions. I still needed to talk to Raven though before I did anything.

Once back home, I kicked my shoes off, then took my hair out of the ponytail that it was in. I actually had made it too tight this morning and it was a relief to finally let my hair free.

"Hey," said Raven, who was busy on the computer in her work uniform when I arrived.

"Hey. So guess the fuck what!"

"Oh Lord," she rolled her eyes. "You always have some crazy ass story."

"Bro so why the guy who's been trying to talk to me asked if he could talk me out."

"And what did you say?"

"I said sure and now I don't know what the fuck I just got myself into."

"Ooo," she replied dramatically. "Corey gone be mad at you."

"Bitch," I sucked my teeth. "Don't start that shit now. Help me figure out what to do!"

"So when does he plan on calling you?"

"That's the thing. I have his number but he doesn't have mine."


"Remember he gave it to me at the restaurant? I never used it."

"Oh yeah yeah," Raven replied with a quick nod. "So what's the plan? How is this date suppose to happen?"

"I told him I would call him," I admitted.

"Well Jas you have to call him! You can't just lie to the guy. Plus he knows where you work so he could easily pull up on you if you don't."

"True," I sighed. "But maybe if I don't call even though I told him I would, he would catch the hint of me not wanting to talk to him."

"Jas do you hear how stupid you sound? If you don't call him he'll probably think you forgot or got busy. Considering how much he's been on you I highly doubt that. And he might be the crazy stalker type. Just go on a damn date with the boy and if you still don't like him after that break it to him easily."

I nodded, taking her advice into consideration.

"That's actually good advice," I replied, patting her head. "See, I knew you had a brain somewhere in there."

"Shut the hell up," Raven sucked her teeth.

I chuckled before grabbing my phone and heading towards the stairs.

"I'm about to go call him."

"Good luck. Tell me how it goes when you're finished."

"No," I replied with sarcasm. "I'll tell God."

Raven rolled her eyes as I smiled, heading upstairs to retrieve his number and talk in private. Once finding his number, which I had stashed in a night stand drawer full of receipts and other nonsense, I proceeded to call him.

As the phone rang, I grew nervous, not knowing what to expect from this conversation. I started to hang up, but he picked up before I could.

"Hello?" he answered uncertain.

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