Chapter 34

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After leaving Q's house yesterday, Cameron begged me and Crystal for ice cream. Despite it being a bit early for ice cream, Crystal agreed that ice cream did sound good. Considering that two beat one and they were my two favorite people that I couldn't say no to, to a local ice cream shop it was.

There were many ice cream shops on the area to choose from, but my favorite was Coldstone. It was Crystal's favorite too. Cameron on the other hand could care less about where we went. As long as he got the ice cream he was happy.

Once at Coldstone, I ordered a xxx. Crystal wanted a xxx and last but not least, all Cameron wanted was a scoop of vanilla ice cream with Oreo crumbles. We decided to eat it at the place before heading home and chilling in for the day.

All Cameron wanted to do was go back and forth between watching cartoons and playing the game in the other room while me and Crystal lounged around in the bed, watching a movie that I didn't really care for. The only reason why we were watching it was because she picked out the movie and she always got her way with me.

She ended up falling asleep in my arms anyways - not even watching all of the movie.


The next day we went bowling.

It was just the three of us as a family. We would have invited Q and Joy to tag along, but he had to send Joy back home with her mom for the week and he had a small meet and greet going on at the mall later on in the day afterwards.

It had been a while since we went bowling.

Me and Crystal use to go all the time when we were younger. Just like the rink, the alley use to be lit - every Saturday. However, as we got older and started spending our money and Saturday's on more important things, we rarely went. Today would hopefully be a refreshing and an enjoyable day for the three of us.

Once getting dressed and ready, we headed out to the closest bowling alley. It was fairly empty besides a few elderly couples and a group of teenagers who looked to be on double dates. After paying for a game and receiving our shoes, we made our way over to the lane assigned to us.

Programming our names into the computer, it didn't take long for us to get the ball rolling. Literally. Cameron was up first. Me and Crystal both tried to convince him to use the bumper guards that would block the ball from rolling into the gutter, but he insisted that he was a "big boy" and didn't need them.

Proving us wrong, he actually managed to knock down three pins all by himself.

After his turn, it was Crystal's, then after hers it was of course mine. Crystal managed to knock down the rest of the pins, and I just so happened to get a strike on my first try. One by one we all took turns, attempting to earn the most points. Pretty soon, Crystal managed to take the lead and was up by five points.

"You're up baby. Good luck, you'll need it," she blurted, walking back to where me and Cameron sat with a plastic bowl of nachos.

"Whatever," I spat back as I made my way over towards the machine.

I grabbed my bowling ball and before I could take another step, I was startled by a bunch of whispering voices coming from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see the same group of teenagers I spotted earlier, taking pictures of me.

"That's ASAP Rocky!" one of them gasped.

"Stop being a groupie, he's with his family idiot," another replied.

"So? How often do you spot a celebrity in public?"

I chuckled to myself as I walked over, handing my ball to Crystal for a brief second.

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