Chapter 13

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Crystal Collins

Somehow, Cameron convinced Rakim to spend the night.

Once we were done watching both of the movies he had picked out, he decided to pick one last film. It was beginning to get late and he was starting to grow restless. After watching the third movie, we cleaned up and he went upstairs.

Rakim stayed awhile and played with him, but when he started to leave, Cameron gave him the puppy eyes. He really had to get home and get ready for an interview he had the next day, but eventually gave in to his wishes. He was quite tired himself, and didn't want to make the drive back home.

I had no problem with him staying.

Cameron was a wild sleeper, so Rakim let him have his bed to himself as he slept on his bedroom floor. I threw him plenty of extra covers and pillows I kept in the hallway closet, then went to sleep.

The next morning I was awakened by an aroma of breakfast foods. Knowing Cameron obviously couldn't cook, I quickly remembered Rakim had stayed the night. Before jumping out of bed though, I rolled over and checked my cellphone. It was the first thing I did every morning for time and to see if I had any alerts.

Normally I didn't have any, but I was surprised to see a text. It was from my mother. She was always an early bird, but I hadn't heard from her in a while. It was a text inviting me over for the day to talk and catch up on things.

I didn't have anything planned for today, so I figured I would go.

After texting her back to let her know I was coming, I locked then placed my phone back down. I then made my way to the bathroom to shower and start my day. Once I was done with my morning hygiene routine, I put on something comfy but presentable to wear.

Rakim had seen me plenty of times looking a 'hot mess', but I still felt as if I shouldn't just throw on anything while he was here.

After making my way downstairs, I saw Cameron sitting at the table coloring as Rakim removed toast from the toaster. Once noticing me, he smiled.

"Good morning."

"Good morning," I smiled in reply.

"Good morning mommy!"

"Good morning baby."

"I hope you're hungry. I made a lot," said Rakim.

"I could eat," I stated. "It certainly smells good."

"It'll taste good too," he rubbed his hands together. "It's done. Just let me fix the plates."

"Alright," I chuckled, taking a seat next to Cam at the table.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, finding the cabinet that held the plates, then grabbed three.

"Pretty good, thanks for asking. How about you?"

"Other than Cam's floor almost breaking my back, I slept good."

"Daddy you could have slept in my bed! Or mommy's!" Cameron replied.

"Cam it's okay," he laughed.

I laughed too with a shake of my head. Kids.

"What do you have planned today?"

"My mom invited me over to spend the day with her," I stated, remembering the text she sent. "You?"

"That's nice. But I have a radio interview to attend today. I'm really not trying to go, but," he shrugged his shoulders as he carried a small plate over to the table to place in front of Cameron.

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