Chapter 36

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Crystal Collins

After the funeral for Sylvia had passed, things between me and Rakim began to get a little rocky, no pun intended.

They say that all couples get an end to their cupcake phase. Well, I think that we finally got ours. It seemed as if with each day that went by, Rakim began to take her death even harder. From smoking more than he usually did to picking up a bad drinking habit, I rarely heard from him.

He always made sure to never do so around Cameron of course, but I started to get worried. Every one needs alone time once in awhile, but I was afraid that he was spending too much time by himself. Hours would pass with him being locked in the studio, not wanting to be bothered by me, Cam, or anyone else.

He ignored Q's calls, which he never did, started to lose interest in eating, and began to cancel interviews, appearances, and any and everything else that Marc had scheduled for him.

However, he wasn't the only one going through something at the moment.

Before I knew it, I started to get sick. As same may think, the first thing that came to mind was pregnancy. But I quickly pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind. That couldn't be it. It just couldn't.

I mean, yeah, me and Rakim may have gotten a little too comfortable with each other and may have had one thing lead to another on a few occasions, but I still thought that it was too good to be true. Me? Pregnant? Again?

After everything that I had just gone through with the last pregnancy, me possibly being pregnant was the last thing I wanted to be worried about. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but it was all that seemed to stick to my mind the more the signs began to surface.

Was I pregnant?

I knew the question would bother me until I was able to go to the doctor and find out myself. I never trusted the store-bought tests. Deciding to go one day without telling Rakim, I discovered the answer to the question that wouldn't seem to leave my mind.

I was indeed pregnant. And there was only one person who could be the father.


I woke up one morning, immediately feeling the urge to rush to the bathroom and puke. Rakim, who decided to sleep in the bed with me for the first time in two weeks last night, sighed as he got up and followed behind me. Although he would fall asleep on the leather sofa in the basement-turned-studio, he would always wake up to the sound of me puking upstairs.

I felt bad for him having to listen to me get sick all the time, but considering the fact that we both had Cameron, it's not like it's something he wasn't use to.

"Baby are you good?" he questioned as he held back my hair as if I was in the right state to actually verbally reply.

I simply just nodded my head as he handed me an old towel that I didn't care for anymore. Cleaning myself up, I proceeded to brush my teeth in the sink before laying on the bathroom floor. I had never felt so sick in my life.

I clutched my stomach in pain as I began to whimper, not being able to help myself. Rakim sighed as he watched me lay there, unsure of what to do. I didn't want him to see me like this, but I didn't know what else to do.

"I'm about to call your mom and tell her that we can't come."

"No," I quickly replied, attempting pick myself up off of the floor.

Yesterday my mom invited the three of us over for dinner today. She wanted to apologize for the way she acted last time I was over, and wanted to see Rakim and Cameron both. I notified Rakim of this, and although he wasn't too enthusiastic about it, he agreed to go with me.

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