Chapter 27

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Rakim Mayers

I poured a glass of orange juice as I then threw the jug back inside the refrigerator. I decided to wake up a little early this morning so I could make Crystal and I breakfast. On the menu was both waffles and pancakes, bacon and sausage, scrambled and sunny-side-up eggs, and last but not least, toast made straight from the skillet.

Once placing both of our plates and glasses on a tray, along with a bottle of syrup and silverware, I made my way upstairs to surprise my baby girl.

Climbing the stairs and quietly creeping into her room, I placed the tray of food on the nightstand beside her bed before attempting to wake her up. Lightly shaking her and calling her name didn't work, so I decided to put the tray of food by her face so she could hopefully get a whiff of the smell.

And of course, she did.

Sniffing only a few seconds later, her eyes slowly peeked open and adjusted to the light in the room. Noticing me and the food, a small smile spread across her face as I smiled too.

"Good morning beautiful," I greeted her. "I made you breakfast."

I placed the tray back on the nightstand as she stretched and let out a yawn.

"Good morning," she replied. "Thank you. You're so sweet."

"You know it's nothing," I shrugged, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"So what's on the menu?" she questioned.

"This dick," I joked.

Her eyes narrowed as I chuckled.

"I'm kidding," I assured her.

"Ha ha, very funny," she rolled her eyes, trying to hold back a smirk. "You're always playing. It's too early in the morning."

"No, but for real," I laughed before telling her what all I had prepared, handing her the plate that I made for her.

"Sounds and smells good," she stated, rubbing her hands together.

"Taste good too," I added.

"You ate already?"

"No, I just know that my cooking is the shit."

She gave me a look, cocking her head to the side as I gave her a grin.

"You're are so cocky," she half laughed, reaching over to grab the bottle of syrup and silverware.

"But you love me though."

She rolled her eyes again, a light smirk plastered on to her face.

"Don't you?" I edged her on to get her to say it.

"Bye Rakim," she smiled, beginning to pour the syrup over her food before cutting into the pancakes.

"I'm not gonna leave you alone until you say it."

She stopped cutting her pancakes as she looked up at me, trying to hide a smile.

"I love you," I breathed.

There was a pause before she finally said it back.

"I love your punk ass too," she smiled.

"Damn, why I gotta be all that? Why can't you just say that you love me?"

"Because you are a punk ass," she laughed.

"How so?"

"You just are, punk ass."

"Alright then, since I'm a punk ass, I guess I'll go take back the gift that I meant to give you last night at dinner."

She suddenly put her fork down, eyes opening wide.

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