Chapter 7

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Raven Andrews

Jasmine smiled at me before replying, "All done."

I then located her full body mirror as I took the time to check myself out. She had just did my makeup, which was definitely on point. Not only that, but helped put together my outfit.

I wore a plain black dress paired with a white infinity scarf and my new pair of boots Tristan himself bought yesterday at the mall. We were still on for our dinner date and I for some reason found myself excited.

After explaining to Jasmine the whole ordeal between me and Tristan, she was actually cool about it - surprisingly. She believed in moving on to live a healthier and happier life, but also believed in giving second chances to people who deserved it.

She thought maybe he was what I needed and there was a reason why me and Rakim were no longer together.

Once texting Tristan Jasmine's address, he agreed to pick me up at 7 for dinner. The time on my phone read 7:02 p.m. It suddenly buzzed uncontrollably in my hand as I saw that he was calling me. After answering, he stated he was outside, anxiously waiting.

I quickly grabbed my bag, thanked Jas for all her help, then was out in no time to met him outside.

The car ride to where ever he had chose for dinner was silent, except for the music playing from the radio. An aux cord was plugged into it, as the other was lugged into his cellphone. The song he had playing was Cherish the Day by Sade.

Although Sade had a huge forehead, she was in fact beautiful with a soothing voice. Her music was perfect to listen to at night. I definitely praised Tristan for obviously being a fan of her music.

About an hour later, we pulled up to a nice looking Japanese restaurant. The sign that hung outside the building read Sushi on the Rocks. Realizing this wasn't a normal restaurant, I became nervous.

I had never had raw fish a day in my life.

After Tristan found a parking spot, he parked then proceeded to turn the car off and unbuckle himself. He chuckled, noticing that I still had my seat belt on.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I've never had sushi," I admitted.

"Doesn't hurt to step out your comfort zone and try something new."

True. "But what if I don't like it?"

"Then we can go somewhere else," he laughed as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Tristan I don't want to waste your money."

"Baby girl it's nothing."

Something about the way he had said that and the smile that he had on his face made me feel good inside.

"Tristan are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Now stop worrying and lets go."

He quickly jumped out the car, running over to the passenger side to open my door. I thanked him with a smile once making my way out. After closing the door behind me, he grabbed my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine as he led me to the entrance of the restaurant.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed myself. I'm happy that Tristan got me to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. Sushi was actually pretty tasty. It was different from my regular chicken, burger and fries, and alfredo - along with other things I ate every day.

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