Chapter 33

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The next morning I woke up with this huge unexplainable smile on my face. Last night was perfect - and it was with the perfect woman. I wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anybody else. We didn't just have sex - we made love. Love that was dying to be expressed in ways other than by using words. Love that finally got the release that it needed. We connected as one and it was a euphoric feeling that I couldn't even put into words. She had me on a high that I definitely didn't want to come off of.

I laid there for a good two minutes, watching Crystal sleep - still smiling. I was pretty sure I looked like a creep, but I couldn't help it. Is this what being in love feels like? Is this the type of love they talk about in the movies? The ones they talk about in the old love songs?

I thought I would never experience a feeling like this. Considering the person I was back in high school, I thought I would never get it right. There were plenty of girls before Crystal, plenty, but none of them gave me the feeling that I feel when I'm with her. There we're girls prettier than her, still are girls that throw themselves to me everyday and are prettier than her, but they simply aren't her.

When I first met Crystal, I immediately knew she was something special. However, I was too young and dumb to realize it. I had my share of problems, she did as well, but I couldn't completely blame her for our relationship not going so well the first time around. I can't help but think now that we were torn apart to be brought back together. We didn't realize then how much we were meant to be together, but we definitely do now.

"Baby," I whined, wishing she would wake up.

I gave her a kiss on the lips. Then another one. Then her forehead. Her left cheek. Her right cheek. Her nose. I showered her in kisses every where possible until she woke up. Finally letting out a yawn, she shifted her position before opening her eyes. Once they adjusted, a smile spread across her face as I kissed her again.

"I love you," she beamed as if she was overwhelmed with joy.

That was the plan.

"I love you too. Bout time your ass finally woke up. I was sitting here watching you sleep, showering you with kisses for the longest."

"You watched me sleep?" she laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders, getting out of bed. She laughed again before running her fingers through her hair.

"About last night," she breathed before trailing off, crossing her legs.

She still laid naked in the bed, looking as beautiful as ever.

"What about it boo? You enjoyed it?"

"I don't want to blow your head up or anything, but," she gave me a goofy grin.

"It's okay to admit that I put you to sleep," I smiled.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, trying to hold back a smile. "But what's the plans for today?"

"You tell me," I shrugged with a lick of my lips.

She side eyed me before rolling her eyes again with a smile.

"Don't look at me like that unless you're trying to have another kid."

"Look at you like what," I burst into laughter. "All I did was look at you!"

"You know what look you gave me," she sucked her teeth, climbing out of bed with me.

"I really do not know what you're talking about," I assured her. "That dick must have been so good it still got you tweakin."

"You know what," she started.

"I'm playing," I laughed. "But I'm hungry. Get your funky booty ass in the shower so we can go out for breakfast."

Kissin' Pink 3 | A$AP RockyWhere stories live. Discover now