Chapter 18

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Crystal Collins

I groaned as the car continued to rumble. It sounded as if it was going to break down any minute. The car sounded horrible. To make matters worse, the noise grew louder the further I drove. Camila was also in the back seat singing loudly to the music that played on the radio. The rumbling was so loud I was surprised she could actually hear the music. With the noise of both of them mixed together, I could barely hear myself think. I was becoming frustrated.

My focus was everywhere but on the road, which is where it should have been. My cell phone then began to ring from inside the cup holder as I let out a loud yell of frustration. I looked over at the screen of the phone to see who was calling me. The name ‘Rakim’ popped up in big bold letters. Below his name was a picture of all three of us smiling wide. Like a big happy family.

“Mommy what’s wrong?” Camila asked from the backseat, referring to my sudden yell that had frightened her.

She was strapped in her booster seat with a Bratz doll in her hand. Her favorite one. The doll name was Yasmin and she loved it because the girl looked the closest to her.

“Nothing baby. Mommy is fine,” I quickly replied, answering Rakim’s call. “Hello?”

“Hey baby girl. Where you at?”

“Hey,” I sighed with a weak smile. “On the road driving babe.”

“The car still rumbling?”

“Unfortunately. I’m just down the street from the shop to get it checked out though. I just hope I make it in time.”

“I’m sure you will baby. Just drive slow and keep your focus on the road. I’ll leave you alone for now. Call me when you get there. Give my other baby a kiss for me. Love you.”

“I certainly will, love you too,” I replied.

I then hung up the phone as I placed it back inside the cup holder. Camila continued singing as we approached a rail road crossing. I could see the car repair shop from where we were. It was just at the next light.

The closer we got to the tracks the louder my car grew. It also started to move slower. I pressed my foot down on the gas, but it was no luck. My car was going slower and pretty soon it would come to a complete stop.

I knew now that I wouldn't make it to the shop.

Traffic was too heavy and I definitely couldn't afford for my car to go any slower. We were on a two way street and there was not multiple lanes drivers could switch in to get around. Car horns were blown at me as I groaned.

"Pull over to the side of the road dumb ass," someone yelled out the window of the car from behind me.

I ignored their comment as I continued driving, and praying in my mind.

The noise grew even louder as we began to roll on the tracks. The car was getting slower. I pressed my foot down on the gas again but the car continued to go slow. Despite the engine growing louder I could hear another noise. I heard dings. Ringing.

"Mommy what are those white things?" Camila asked.

I looked up to see that the white guards were beginning to come down signalling that a train was coming. I was still on the tracks. I was now trapped. The guards came down on the hood and trunk of my car.

My car came to a complete stop as all I heard now was the ringing signal. This couldn't be happening.

I panicked as the first thing that came to mind was Camila. She was the first who needed to get out the car, but she could only get out by me helping her. I instantly unbuckled my seatbelt as I jumped out the car and to the back door.

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