Chapter 10

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Rakim Mayers

The kids enjoyed themselves - although Quincey almost got us kicked out of the place. A video of us was posted on TMZ the next morning with the headline:

TDE's ScHoolboy Q and ASAP Mob's ASAP Rocky Makes Scene at Children's Gaming Place

How did I know something was going to be posted of us? 

Crystal didn't have a meeting with her therapist the next day, so I figured I would try to do something nice for her. With all the shit that has probably been on her mind lately, it wouldn't hurt to help take her mind off of some things.

I figured I would take her to buy a few nice things for herself, then dinner - but she slept through most of the day. All of my calls were picked up by her voicemail.

She called me back around 5 pm, informing me she had been sleep. Shrugging it off, I figured we could still do dinner. Once telling her about the plans that I had in mind, she shockingly agreed.

Normally she would ask 50 million questions, but she only asked two. After assuring her that Cameron was with Quincey - and safe, I let her know that I would be by around 7 to pick her up.

After making and confirming plans with Crystal, I told Quincey the good news. He congratulated me on doing something nice for her, and wished me good luck on the dinner. I thanked him and promised to tell him how everything went afterwards.

Seven rolled around pretty quickly, and it was time for me to go and pick her up. I wore a simple pair of jeans and sneakers, but decided to throw on a nice dress shirt for the occasion.

Crystal on the other hand looked stunning.

Instead of waiting in the car, I decided to meet her at the door because that was the gentlemen thing to do. She wore a casual dress with a pair of knee boots, but her hair was nicely done as if she had freshly ironed it out.

She even looked as if she had on a little bit of make-up.

"You look nice," I complimented her.

"Thank you," she smiled. "Thought I'd fix myself up after the way you saw me yesterday."

Not knowing whether or not to bring up yesterday, I simply replied with a chuckle. As a short awkward silence filled between us, I decided to turn the radio on so the car ride wouldn't be completely quiet.

It was weird knowing we use to talk like two teenagers in love - having a mouthful for each other. Now? Barely anything.

A few minutes later, we were at what I remembered to be one of her favorite restaurants. She smiled, then laughed.

"I haven't had this in forever!"

"Me either," I replied, turning both the radio and the car off. "This cool?"

"Yes, definitely. And I'm starving!"

"Ok good," I chucked.  "I am too."

Once getting out the car, I closed the door behind me as I went to open hers. After climbing out, I closed it behind her then locked up. We made our way towards the entrance, then waited to be seated.

Luckily, there wasn't a long wait and we were seated in no time.

Since it had been a minute since we've both been to the restaurant, we looked over the menu as a refresher. Our waiter took our drink orders, then gave us time to continue looking over the menu.

"What are you getting?" Crystal asked, looking up from her menu, undecided.

"I don't know. Probably the bacon cheeseburger."

"You came to a sit down restaurant just to order a cheese burger?"

"Bacon cheese burger," I corrected her.

"I'm sorry, bacon cheese burger," she laughed.

I laughed too as I shrugged my shoulders.

"It just sounds good right now."

"Mhm. Well I don't know what I have a taste for. I might copy."

"So, you're going to get the bacon cheese burger, after you talked about me wanting the bacon cheese burger?"

She was now the one to shrug her shoulders with a laugh.

"Well what should I get?"

"What ever your heart desires," I said in my best French voice.

She laughed again as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what my heart desires," she now replied in her best French voice.

"Well shit, just get a cheese burger then copy cat," I said normal.

"But I don't want to seem fat. Their burgers are kind of big."

"Be a kid and get the mini cheese burgers then."

"That's it!" she replied as if a light bulb had just went off in her head. "I want mini cheese burgers!"

I laughed as I closed my menu.

"Big ass kid."

She shrugged her shoulders with a goofy smile as she closed hers too.

Our waiter suddenly returned to our table with our drinks. Since we were ready and knew what we wanted, he took out his note pad from his apron pocket and removed the pencil that rested behind his ear. He quickly scribbled our order down as we fed it to him, then went to put it in the kitchen.

After the waiter left, we awkwardly look at each other as she quickly looked away. I laughed as she looked back up at me.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," I shook my head, deciding to start a conversation as we waited on our food so it wouldn't be completely awkward. "So how has your therapy sessions with your councilor been going?"

"I've only had two, and you know how the first one went already."

"Well you didn't tell me about the recent one," I reminded her.

She sighed as if it was a lot that happened in the meeting.

"We just talked about one of the dreams I've been having about the baby."

"What was the dream about?"

"In almost every dream I have I lose her somehow. In this particular dream, she drowned in a lake and I couldn't do anything about it."

"Damn," I replied.

That was deep. No pun intended.

"Yeah," she sighed. "I'm always having these dreams but me being more open and talking about them is making me feel better. Ignoring them didn't help at all."

"See, I told you," I smiled. "Bottling things up isn't going to help. It may be hard, but talking about it will make you feel better."

"Okay Dr. Mayers," she joked. "Maybe you need to be my therapist."

"Shit," I laughed. "I got problems of my own. I could never be able to do that for a living."

"Problems like what? Enough of me, what have you been up to?"

"Taking care of our son and work. That's all," I shrugged.

She probably expected me to say more, but there was nothing to really say.

Our waiter eventuality returned to our table with our meals. After eating up, I paid for the bill, and she left the tip. She insisted on paying for her own meal, but I wasn't going to let her do that. Eventually we agreed that she could leave the tip.

The car ride back to her house was silent, but went by fairly quick. Once at her house, she thanked me for the dinner with a smile before leaving. There was something I wanted to ask, but I left it at 'good night' - happy that she even let me treat her.

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