Chapter 19

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Rakim Mayers

Hey son! We're having a bbq at the house today at 5. Me and ya dad haven't seen you in a while so if you aren't busy today make sure you come. (Even if you are busy cancel everything anyways.) Bring our grand baby too. I'm sure he's gotten bigger since the last time! Love you! Hope to see you there.

Mom | 12:12 P.M.

I smiled as I read the message with a slight shake of my head. My mom was good for getting smart with me. As she would always say, "No matter how old you are you always gone be my baby."

She was lucky I didn't have any plans. A good ol' cook-out in the backyard back at my parents definitely sounded enjoyable anyways. Besides the studio, there's no place I would rather be. The home brought back so many good memories and surrounding myself with family was always a great time.

Especially when you haven't seen them in a while.

It was true, it had been a while since I saw my parents. It's so easy sometimes to get caught up in work and other things that you forget to make time for things and people that matter.

I definitely had to make sure I attended today's family gathering.

Although I loved both of my parents dearly, I was more of a mama's boy growing up. My father use to be tough on me as a kid, causing me to be a 'man' at such a young age. My mom however loved me and wasn't as hard on me which is why I always ran to her.

You know when you were little and wanted to ask for something but knew if you asked one parent they would say no, so you went to the other one? Yeah, that was my mom.

As I grew older though, me and my father developed a better relationship. I understood when I got older why he was always so hard on me. All he was showing me was tough love. That's part of the reason why I'm so hard on Cameron today and make such an effort to be there in his life.

In addition, I also looked forward to the barbecue today because my dad made the best fall off the bone ribs. Just thinking about them made my mouth water. Five o'clock couldn't come fast enough.

After stretching and letting out a silent yawn, I swung my legs over the side of the twin sized bed to get up. I decided to sleep in Cameron's bed last night since he was spending his over Q's. When ever he was actually home, I slept on Crystal's couch downstairs.

Although sleeping on the couch was quite uncomfortable, I rarely slept at my own house any more.

I tried sleeping with him once but considering he's a wild sleeper you can already imagine how that went. I woke up with one foot by my mouth, and an arm wrapped around my leg. I loved my son, but not that much to have his feet in my face.

One reason why I didn't stay at my own house much anymore was because it started to be a hassle to go back and forth between theirs and mine. I would come over from time to time to visit both Cam, and Crystal to be there as a support system, then I would almost always end up spending an unplanned night with no clothes.  

Cameron always had a fit anyways when it would be time for me to leave and after a while, Crystal just became comfortable with me staying over. She also made sure I had plenty of covers and pillows to sleep with to make it at least a little comfortable.

It was crazy knowing that we went from hating each others guts, to practically living together. It's actually weird to even think about so I tried not to ponder on it too much.

The second reason why was because ever since the break up with Raven, I still couldn't catch a break. It wasn't necessarily her that gave me a hard time, but other people instead. People such as her crazy ex. I couldn't remember his name for the life of me, but I knew it started with an 'L'.

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