Chapter 30

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Crystal Collins

I woke up the next morning to find Rakim still laying in bed next me. He laid there wide awake, typing away on his cellphone. I didn't want to be nosey, but I saw that he was apparently replying back to what looked like an important email. Figuring that it was most likey business related, I paid it no attention.

"Good morning beautiful," Rakim blurted, noticing that I was now awake.

I loved how he always made an effort to say something cute to me every morning as a reminder, despite how rough I think I may look.

"Good morning," I smile, inching closer to him to lay my head on his chest.

In response, he pulled me even closer, draping an arm around me. We badly needed to jump in the shower as well as brush our teeth, but neither one of us cared at the moment.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to get a better look.

I knew damn well was he was doing, but I just wanted to make conversation and see if I was right.

"Replying back to this business email."

And I was.

"From Sylvia?"

"Nah, my new manager Marc."

"Marc?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Remember he had to replace Sylvia because she retired since she's getting sick?"

"Oh yeah," I sighed with a nod. "How is she by the way?"

I hadn't heard anything about Sylvia since her birthday party which we attended a while ago.

"She's good. You can tell she isn't her old self but she's staying up. I talked to her yesterday matter of fact after we left the shop."

"Well that's good to know that she's okay. You like the new manager?"

"Eh," Rakim shrugged with not too much enthusiasm. "He's cool I guess."

"You guess?" I chuckled.

"I mean he's not too bad, I just don't fuck with him like that. Sylvia been with me since the jump."

"I feel you. It's just not the same?"

"Exactly," he sighed with a nod.

He then pressed send once wrapping up the email, locking and tossing his cellphone to the side.

"Marc said I have some places to be today."


"Yeah," he groaned. "A photoshoot and a interview."

"That sounds like fun," I beamed.

"Eh," he groaned again. "I'd rather stay here and lay with you all day."

I smiled at the fact that he didn't wanted to do anything else but be with me. He's cute.

"As much fun as that sounds, you have people to make happy dude."

"I know, I know," he sighed. "Are you at least going to come with me?"

He was such a big baby.

"Where else am I gonna go?" I asked with a laughed.

"Shit, I don't know. It's too early."

I laughed again as he began to make his way out of the bed.

"Call Q and ask if he can keep Cam. It can just be us two today if so."

"Alrighty," I replied, grabbing my cellphone as he left and into the bathroom to shower.

About an half hour later, Rakim was ready to go, and I had an answer from Q. He agreed to watch Cameron with no problem at all. As I then went to go shower and get ready, Rakim got Cameron and his things ready as well.

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